Overview of candidates
Carys Tomlinson
Environment / Yr Amgylchedd
Corbin Winter
Housing / Tai
Ella-Mae Christine Sullivan
Improvement to RSE curriculum / Gwella’r cwricwlwm addysg cydberthynas a rhywioldeb
Emma Mai Hughes
There are too many cigarettes / Mae ‘na ormod o sigaréts
Gareth E Ellis
Healthcare / Gofal Iechyd
Ken Antonio Chacin Arenas
Public sports facilities / Cyfleusterau chwaraeon cyhoeddus
Kolo Rippon
Children's mental wellbeing / Lles meddyliol plant
Kurt Cortes
Transport in North Wales / Trafnidiaeth yng Ngogledd Cymru
Lacie Jones
Mental Health Services / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Leon Benton
Education / Addysg
Millie Walker
School resources for autism / Adnoddau Ysgol ar gyfer Awtistiaeth
Morgan Peters
Housing / Tai
Nanci Barron
Youth Employment / Cyflogaeth Ieuenctid
Noah Spragg
Education / Addysg
Rayyan Faisal
Education / Addysg
Seren Kay Northall
Transport / Trafnidiaeth
Zac Jones Prince
The environment / Yr amgylchedd