Overview of candidates
Ali Webb
Mental Health Services / Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl
Annie Davies-Smith
Healthcare / Gofal Iechyd
Bowen Cole
Mental health awareness / Ymwybyddiaeth o iechyd meddwl
Clara Suve
Welsh Language/Y Gymraeg
Élodie Rolland
Plastic packaging / Pecynwaith plastig
Eve Elizabeth Orchard
Transport/ Environment / Trafnidiaeth/ Yr amgylchedd
Ffion Grace Lewis
Youth wellbeing and skills / Lles a sgiliau pobl ifanc
Gwion Thomas
Education / Addysg
Hannah Beech
Mental Health Services / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Lima Shabir
More safe places for autistic / Lleoliada mwy diogel i bobl awtistig
Mandikudza Mupita
Welsh language / Y Gymraeg
Otitooluwakiiti (Kiiti) Omole
Environment / Yr Amgylchedd
Rose Wahbi
Education / Addysg
Zara Elizabeth James
Health Safety and Anaphylaxis / Iechyd, Diogelwch ac Anaffylacsis