Lars Flemming Nørmølle
Liste | Familielisten - Familie Job og Fritid |
Arbejdssted | Lanoe Electronics |
Uddannelse | Civilingeniør ET |
Retning | Elektronik, Tele |
Undertegnede har i IDA's Hoved Bestyrelse, sikret at medlemmets familie også er synlig.
Undertegnede lavede som eksamen projekt: Genevirkninger af støj.
Forord, IDA bør fokusere på en snigende katastrofe, nemlig motorvejs støj.
Det er ikke kun i trafikken at personer bliver dræbt.
Motorvejs støj dræber også mange mennesker, dog langsommere.
Senest har universiteterne i Danmark fastslået at der er en overdødelighed på
27% af en udvalgt befolkningsgruppe, der har været udsat af støj påvirkning
under Miljøministeriets grænse på 58 dB ( Lden).
WHO har foreslået at sænke "tålegrænsen til 53 dB.
Adskillige rapporter verificerer dette, se nedenfor.
Undertegnede har arbejdet med støj på ingeniørmæssige plan.
Ifølge den nye EEA-rapport "Noise in Europe – 2020" er vejtrafik den
primære kilde til støjforurening i Europa og i løbet af det næste årti
forventes støjniveauet at stige både i by- og landområder som følge af byvækst
og øget efterspørgsel efter mobilitet. 5 Mar 2020
Since 2001, the Family List has worked for the member: For
Your Family - For Your Future
Why should people vote for me?
The undersigned has ensured in IDA's Main Board, that the member's family is
also visible.
As an exam, I did a project: Noise nuisance.
Foreword, IDA should focus on an insidious disaster, namely highway noise.
It is not only in traffic that people are killed.
Highway noise also kills many people, albeit slower.
Most recently, the universities in Denmark have established that there is an
excess mortality of 27% of a selected population's
The undersigned has ensured in IDA's Main Board, that the
member's family is also visible.
As an exam, I did a project: Noise nuisance.
Foreword, IDA should focus on an insidious disaster, namely highway noise.
It is not only in traffic that people are killed.
Highway noise also kills many people, albeit slower.
Most recently, the universities in Denmark have established that there is an
excess mortality of 27% of a selected population group that has been exposed to
noise exposure below the Ministry of the Environment's limit of 58 dB (Lden).
The WHO has proposed lowering the "tolerance limit to 53 dB.
Several reports verify this, see below.
The undersigned has worked with noise on an engineering level.
According to the new EEA report "Noise in Europe – 2020", road traffic is the main source of noise pollution in Europe, and over the next decade noise levels are expected to increase in both urban and rural areas as a result of urban growth and increased demand for mobility. 5 Mar 2020