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Who am I?
I am an experienced engineer and have worked within the IT services industry since the start of my career. I have seen how technology can transform our society and want to contribute to ensuring that IDA continues to influence technological development and innovation.

I aim to create the framework for strong professional networks where we learn from each other and grow together and to relay the benefits to fellow Indian engineers working in Denmark
Why am I a candidate?
I am running to support and strengthen the community of volunteers in IDA especially my fellow Indian engineers working in Danmark. I know how valuable their work is and want to ensure they have the resources and recognition they deserve. By running, I hope to inspire others to engage and contribute to the community and relay information what benefits being a member of IDA can give, when you're in a country far way from you birth country or just to further network among these engineers.
Why should you vote for me?
I understand the importance of strong professional networks. I will work to create more opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration across generations, ensuring that IDA remains a vibrant and relevant community for all members.