Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Caitlin Anna Stock

Key Issue 1

Environmental conservation / Cadwraeth amgylcheddol

Key Issue 2

Teenage Health and Wellbeing / Iechyd a llesiant pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau

Key Issue 3

Welsh Language and Culture / Diwylliant Cymru a’r Gymraeg


I wish to be a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament (WYP) as it is an opportunity to represent and voice the concerns of young adults in my area. I know many people like me, have felt helpless or confused about the serious issues that are happening around them. I would utilise social media to engage and consult with my peers to find out what matters are actually important to them.
I am a naturally outgoing person and enjoy meeting new people. I can converse confidently in both English and Welsh and have lots of experience in public speaking.
During high school, I was an active member of the student council and was often chosen to meet with guests visiting the school
The reason why you should vote for me is due to the absolute sincerity and passion I have for my chosen causes and other issues that are relevant and prominent in our society. By voting for me you will be voting to be heard and well informed on things we need to know


Rwyf am fod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, gan ei fod yn gyfle i gynrychioli oedolion ifanc fy ardal, a rhoi llais i’w pryderon. Gwn fod llawer o bobl fel fi wedi teimlo'n ddiymadferth neu'n ddryslyd ynghylch y materion difrifol sy'n digwydd o'u cwmpas. Byddwn yn defnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol i ymgysylltu ac ymgynghori â’m cyfoedion, i ddarganfod pa faterion sydd o bwys iddynt mewn gwirionedd.
Rwy'n berson naturiol allblyg, ac yn mwynhau cwrdd â phobl newydd. Gallaf sgwrsio’n hyderus yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, ac mae gennyf lawer o brofiad o siarad cyhoeddus.
Yn ystod yr ysgol uwchradd, roeddwn yn aelod gweithgar o gyngor y myfyrwyr, a chefais fy newis yn aml i gwrdd â gwesteion a oedd yn ymweld â'r ysgol.
Y rheswm pam y dylech chi bleidleisio i mi yw'r didwylledd a'r angerdd llwyr sydd gennyf tuag at yr achosion a ddewisais, a materion eraill sy'n berthnasol ac yn amlwg yn ein cymdeithas. Drwy bleidleisio i mi, byddwch yn pleidleisio i gael eich clywed ac i fod yn wybodus iawn ar bethau y mae angen i ni wybod.