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Bowen Cole
Mental health awareness / Ymwybyddiaeth o iechyd meddwl
Education on racism / Addysg ar hiliaeth
More youth provisions / Mwy o ddarpariaethau ieuenctid
A former member of the WYP, I know that I have everything needed to become a member again. I have gained the experience, the knowledge and the understanding to return as a better example of an effective member. I understand that my passion for politics is constant and that I must continue to strive to be a voice for the voiceless. Being a member of a CLP gives me great advantage in communicating with the youth of my area. I would initiate meetings with those concerned on how I can reflect them. And take in their concerns in order for them to be heard. Confidence is a vital skill which I am well equipped. As well as my communication skills and my resilience which I learned from the WYP. Lastly, my experience shows my skills in awareness, especially in events across the globe and my country.
Fel cyn-aelod o SIC, dw i’n gwybod bod gen i bopeth sydd ei angen i fod yn aelod eto. Dw i wedi magu’r profiad, y wybodaeth a’r ddealltwriaeth i ddychwelyd fel esiampl well o aelod effeithiol. Dw i’n deall bod fy angerdd dros wleidyddiaeth yn gyson a bod rhaid i mi barhau i ymdrechu i fod yn llais i’r rhai heb lais. Fel aelod o’r Blaid Lafur Etholaethol, dw i’n cael mantais fawr wrth gyfathrebu â phobl ifanc fy ardal. Byddwn i’n cychwyn cyfarfodydd â’r rhai dan sylw ar sut dw i'n gallu eu cynrychioli a thynnu sylw at eu pryderon iddyn nhw gael eu clywed. Mae hyder yn sgil hanfodol ac mae gen i ddigon o hyder, yn ogystal â fy sgiliau cyfathrebu a fy nghydnerthedd a ddysgais i o SIC. Yn olaf, fy mhrofiad sy’n dangos fy sgiliau mewn ymwybyddiaeth, yn enwedig mewn digwyddiadau ledled y byd a fy ngwlad.