Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.
Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Elizabeth Bartlett
Environment- People and Planet / Yr Amgylchedd – Pobl a’r Blaned
Youth Voice / Llais Ieuenctid
Transport / Trafnidiaeth
Why should you vote for me? I am passionate about helping with and listening to people’s issues; I want to make an impact. I am well-spoken, confident and intelligent and I care about what you have to say. As your Youth Parliament Member I would amplify your voice. What issues are you facing?
I am experienced with public speaking, debating and research. As a Young Wales volunteer I have chaired discussions and participated in a peer research project, where I have learnt to how to understand peoples opinions and explain them to a wider audience. I am also a part of many advisory groups, that focus on topics like mental health, education, democracy, LGBTQ+ issues and the environment, and frequently address government. I have good interpersonal skills, I run workshops teaching how to mend clothes and I'm carbon literate.
I care about many issues, but I am most interested in what is affecting you; I'll listen to your problems and address the Senedd accordingly!
Pam ddylech chi bleidleisio drosof fi? Dw i’n angerddol dros helpu a gwrando ar broblemau pobl; dw i eisiau cael effaith. Dw i’n siarad yn dda, yn hyderus ac yn glyfar ac mae beth sydd gennych chi i’w ddweud yn bwysig i mi. Fel eich aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, bydden i’n codi eich llais. Pa broblemau sydd gennych chi?
Mae gen i brofiad yn siarad cyhoeddus, yn dadlau ac yn gwneud gwaith ymchwil. Fel gwirfoddolwr Cymru Ifanc, dw i wedi cadeirio trafodaethau a chymryd rhan mewn prosiect ymchwil cyfoedion, ble dysgais sut i ddeall barn pobl ac egluro’r farn i gynulleidfa ehangach. Dw i hefyd yn rhan o lawer o grwpiau cynghori sy’n canolbwyntio ar bynciau fel iechyd meddwl, addysg, democratiaeth, LHDTQ+ a’r amgylchedd, a dw i’n aml yn mynd i’r afael â llywodraethu. Mae gen i sgiliau pobl da, dw i’n cynnal gweithdai addysgu ar sut i drwsio dillad a dw i’n deall materion carbon. Mae llawer o bethau’n bwysig i mi ond fy niddordeb pennaf yw beth sy’n effeithio arnoch chi; dw i’n awyddus i wrando ar eich problemau a’u trafod yn y Senedd!