Gary Mc Intyre
List | STEM for Innovation og Trivsel |
Workplace | Ørsted |
Education | Executive MBA - Management of Technologies / Mechanical Engineer |
Field | Maskiningeniør |
Hvem er jeg?
Jeg er anerkendt som en innovativ leder, der anvender visionær tænkning til at styre komplekse projekter og porteføljer på det øverste ledelsesniveau, dog aldrig at glemme de mennesker, der får det hele til at ske.
Efter at have spillet professionel basketball og arbejdet som brandmand forstår jeg vigtigheden af samarbejde, når jeg arbejder hen imod en fælles mission. Som min gode ven Mahatma Gandhi engang sagde: "Vær den forandring, du ønsker at se i verden."
Hvorfor stiller jeg op?
Jeg stiller op fordi fokus på menneskers velbefindende i innovation er altid blevet overset som en del af den innovativ proces. Trivslen i processen er sjældent diskuteret. Jeg vil gerne hjælpe vores nuværende og fremtidige kolleger i denne dialog.
Topledernes ansvar og rolle i forbindelse med innovation er at sikre sig, at der er balance hele vejen rundt og ikke kun fokusere på økonomi, udviklingen og implementeringen af nye innovative ideer.
Vi skal også tale om at skabe en bedre trivsel på vores fremtidige arbejdsplads.
Topledernes ansvar og rolle i forbindelse med innovation er at sikre sig, at der er balance hele vejen rundt og ikke kun fokusere på økonomi, udviklingen og implementeringen af nye innovative ideer.
Vi skal også tale om at skabe en bedre trivsel på vores fremtidige arbejdsplads.
Hvorfor skal man stemme på mig?
Jeg elsker den strategiske, ledelsesdrevne karakter af innovation i både den offentlige og private sektor. Jeg vil gerne skabe mere bevidsthed om innovativt samarbejde på tværs af internationale og multikulturelle teams og sikre, at trivsel er en del af dagsordenen for fremtiden.
Who am I?
I am recognized as an innovative leader who applies visionary thinking to manage complex projects and portfolios at the senior management level, however, never forgetting the people who make it all happen.
Having played professional basketball and worked as a firefighter, I understand the importance of collaboration when working towards a common mission. As my good friend Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Having played professional basketball and worked as a firefighter, I understand the importance of collaboration when working towards a common mission. As my good friend Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Why am I a candidate?
I am committed to advocating for a focus on human well-being in the innovation processes, which has often been overlooked. The topic of well-being during this process rarely receives the attention it deserves, and I aim to assist our current and future colleagues in fostering this important dialogue.
Top managers have a critical responsibility regarding innovation: they must ensure balance between work and personal life, rather than solely concentrating on economic factors or the development and implementation of new solutions.
We also need to discuss how these new technologies impact our daily lives and shape the future of our workplaces, particularly in terms of enhancing well-being.
Why should you vote for me?
I value the strategic and managerial aspects of innovation in both the public and private sectors. My goal is to create greater awareness of collaborative innovation among international and multicultural teams, while ensuring that workforce well-being is an integral part of the agenda for the future.
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