Søren Anton Steffensen Kuhberg
List | Bæredygtig Ledelse |
Age | 27 |
Workplace | Zacco Denmark |
Education | Civilingeniør |
Field | Fysik og Nanoteknologi |
Den personlige Søren elsker madlavning, tid med familien og lange gåture på stranden. Med andre ord: All the classics. Personlige Søren går desuden til Impro Comedy for at træne de kreative muskler - er der noget bedre end at få andre til at grine??
The professional Søren is a patent attorney associate at Zacco Denmark. Here, I help businesses protect their inventions through patent protection. The professional Søren is also a former chairperson of the student association Polyteknisk Forening at DTU and the PhD association at DTU.
The personal Søren loves cooking, spending time with family, and long walks on the beach. In other words: All the classics. The personal Søren also attends Impro Comedy to train his creative muscles – is there anything better than making others laugh??
It is important to me to engage with IDA and bring the perspectives of graduates entering the job market in their first job. We are a new generation, bringing a fresh perspective on leadership. I believe that we will not compromise on well-being, equality, or responsibility in the green transition. It requires new thinking, and IDA mus be a contributing part to that.
I am part of the new generation, bringing fresh energy along with a willingness to listen. IDA needs to evolve and keep up with the changes. My friends and fellow graduates and I are representatives of that development.