Liste Yngrelisten - de grønne STEMmer
Alder 34
Arbejdssted TDC NET A/S
Uddannelse Cand.scient.
Retning Geologi/Geologi-geoscience, kand.2år
Hvem er jeg?
Jeg er 34 år (men stadig ung af sind og holdning) og uddannet digital geolog. Siden jeg blev færdig i 2021 har jeg arbejdet med udbygning af infrastruktur og arbejder i dag som Design Manager i TDC Net med udrulning af fiber til hele Danmark.. Som IDA medlem og fremtidsentusiast støtter jeg naturligt op omkring Yngrelistens mærkesager, som kræver fokus på et fleksibelt arbejdsliv og livslang læring, etik i tech, og påvirkning af den grønne omstilling.
Hvorfor stiller jeg op?
Ingeniørforeningen IDA er en fabelagtig organisation, som har formået at holde sig relevant for medlemmerne, og nu kan bryste sig af at være en af Danmarks bedste fagforeninger, med de mest tilfredse medlemmer. Yngrelisten har siddet i formandskabet siden 2004, og jeg stiller op for at støtte op om den linje der er lagt i samarbejde med andre lister: En moderne fagforening der søger fornyelse og er en aktiv stemme i samfundsdebatten.
Hvorfor skal man stemme på mig?

Jeg vil arbejde for større IDA-synlighed i regionerne og større regional synlighed på Kalvebod Brygge. Samtidig vil jeg støtte op om flere yngre bestyrelsesmedlemmer i alle IDA-bestyrelser for at fremme det generationsskifte, der skal være med til at styrke IDA for alle nu og i fremtiden.

Yngrelistens mærkesager er:

  • Fokus på ’Grøn omstilling’
  • ’Fremtidens arbejdsmarked skal gøres fleksibelt’
  • Sikring af ’Etik i tech’ og
  • IDA som ’din livslange karrierecoach’ uanset hvor du er i din karriere.
Why should you vote for me?
Yngrelisten (the young, green voices of IDA) engages young people in IDA and sets visions for the future. Vote for us to support young STEM graduates to set a green direction for IDA. Our key issues are:

Green transition: 
IDA must take more responsibility for the green transition of our society by bringing facts into the debate, bringing stakeholders together in finding concrete solutions, and by being a hub for technology-based visions and limitations. We must bring our members together and engage in interdisciplinary professionalism so that we point out the most important efforts. IDA must also have the courage to say the unpopular opinion when required. 

The working life of the future must be made flexible: 
Many want a more flexible working life with time for family, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. IDA must shape the framework that makes it possible to have a more flexible working life - including the right to part-time work. Our members must have good working conditions, even under flexible forms of employment. 

Ethics and tech: 
IDA must be the watchdog for the ethical dimensions of technology development, including the right to digital privacy and proper algorithms. What is practiced and legislated today are the Wild West. Therefore, IDA must be a strong voice in the societal debate, which through information campaigns, analyzes and recommendations for legislation shapes better ethics in technology development. 

Your lifelong career coach: 
Many in IDA want a working life with exciting challenges. But few have the full overview of the possibilities. Our professional community has a great opportunity to present targeted offers to the individual, based on recommendations, data and our members' experiences. IDA should be your lifelong career coach, always giving the perfect advice you had not even considered. 

The DNA of the youth list is to be a brave, visionary list that rolls up its sleeves to develop: We take responsibility by engaging qualified people for IDA's most important positions We set the agenda by coming up with proposals and discussion topics in all IDA's bodies We want to create a strong common identity for the entire IDA membership We work for diversity throughout IDA, focusing on younger, international and other under-represented