Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.
Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Daisy Plews
Support for Welsh learners / Cymorth i ddysgwyr Cymraeg
Education budget / Y gyllideb addysg
Transport in rural communities / Trafnidiaeth mewn cymunedau gwledig
Hello, my name is Daisy. I am passionate about representing the voices of young people across Wales and ensuring that our concerns are heard.
As a proud Welsh citizen, I believe that every young person deserves a fair opportunity to succeed and thrive, regardless of their background.
I stand for key issues such as education, the Welsh language and rural communities.
Our education system needs more funding to support the necessities of students, including more focus on life skills, mental well-being, and practical learning.
More support is needed for people to feel confident to learn Welsh and use it.
I also strongly feel rural communities need a more efficient and extensive transport infrastructure.
Your vote is a powerful chance to shape our future. I am committed to listening and making meaningful changes that ensure every voice is heard. Let’s build a youth community that’s inclusive, empowered, and ready for the challenges ahead
Helo, Daisy ydw i. Dw i’n angerddol dros gynrychioli lleisiau pobl ifanc Cymru a gwneud yn siŵr bod ein pryderon yn cael eu clywed.
Fel dinesydd Cymraeg balch, dw i’n meddwl bod pob person ifanc yn haeddu cyfle teg i lwyddo a ffynnu, dim ots beth yw eu cefndir.
Dw i’n sefyll dros faterion allweddol fel addysg, y Gymraeg a chymunedau gwledig.
Mae ein system addysg angen mwy o gyllid i gefnogi anghenion disgyblion, gan gynnwys mwy o ffocws ar sgiliau bywyd, lles meddyliol a dysgu ymarferol.
Mae angen mwy o gefnogaeth i bobl deimlo’n hyderus yn dysgu a defnyddio Cymraeg.
Dw i hefyd yn teimlo’n gryf bod angen seilwaith trafnidiaeth mwy effeithlon a helaeth ar gymunedau cefn gwlad.
Mae eich pleidlais chi yn gyfle pwerus i lywio ein dyfodol. Dw i wedi ymrwymo i wrando a rhoi newidiadau pwysig ar waith a fydd yn sicrhau bod lleisiau pawb yn cael eu clywed. Beth am adeiladu cymuned ieuenctid sy’n gynhwysol, sydd wedi’i grymuso ac sy’n barod am yr heriau i ddod?