Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Key Issue 1

Welsh language / Y Gymraeg

Key Issue 2

Mental health services / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl

Key Issue 3

Healthcare / Gofal iechyd


I believe I am worthy of representing the Vale of Glamorgan. Ostensibly, my outspokenness and confidence ensures everyone’s concerns are voiced and problems are conquered. Moreover,I want young people to not be silenced nor discriminated. I will go to schools, conduct surveys and hold meetings so young people can raise any concerns. Personally, I believe you should vote for me as I am determined to improve the Vale and ensure your voice will never be ignored. Furthermore, I am very confident, understanding and determined. Notably, I have represented my school in council meetings. I am a member of the Vale Youth Council and have represented my school in European Youth Parliament. Therefore, my experience demonstrates that I will never cower away from what needs to be fixed.


Dw i’n credu fy mod i’n deilwng i gynrychioli Bro Morgannwg. Yn ôl pob golwg, mae fy siarad plaen a’m hyder yn sicrhau bod pryderon pawb yn cael eu lleisio a bod problemau pawb yn cael eu datrys. Ymhellach, dw i ddim am i bobl ifanc gael eu tawelu na’u gwahaniaethu. Bydda i’n mynd i ysgolion, yn cynnal arolygon a chyfarfodydd fel bod pobl ifanc yn gallu codi pryderon. Yn bersonol, dw i’n credu y dylech chi bleidleisio drosof i gan fy mod i’n benderfynol o wella’r Fro a sicrhau na fydd eich llais byth yn cael ei anwybyddu. At hynny, dw i’n hyderus iawn, yn ddeallgar ac yn benderfynol. Yn nodedig, dw i wedi cynrychioli fy ysgol mewn cyfarfodydd cyngor. Dw i’n Aelod o Gyngor Ieuenctid y Fro ac wedi cynrychioli fy ysgol yn Senedd Ieuenctid Ewrop. Felly, mae fy mhrofiad yn dangos na fydda i byth yn cuddio rhag beth mae angen ei atgyweirio.