Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


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Ireoluwa Gweneth Egbetola

Key Issue 1

Healthcare / Gofal Iechyd

Key Issue 2

Housing / Tai

Key Issue 3

Education / Addysg


Hello, my name is Ireoluwa Egbetola, I’m 17 and I am a Welsh Nigerian that was born with Sickle Cell. I want to be a Welsh Youth Parliament Member because I want to stand up for what is right and be the voice for the voiceless. To tell the stories of those who have Sickle Cell, other blood disorders and invisible disabilities. How I will be consulting with young people is through our organization: Friends of Cymru Sickle Cell and Thalassemia (FOCSCT) which has a Youth Committee I will be able to reach out to our young people and do focus groups or discussions for them on whatever topic they want, and on what they think needs to be changed. The skills and experience I have for this role has been developed over the years as a volunteer, event planner and now a chairwoman of youth committee. With all these roles comes great responsibility and with them I have gained skills like public speaking, professionalism and teamwork. These are the reasons why someone should vote for me.


Helo, fy enw i yw Ireoluwa Egbetola, rydw i’n 17 oed ac yn dod o dras Gymreig-Nigeria, a chefais fy ngeni a chlefyd y crymangelloedd. Dw i eisiau bod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd dw i eisiau sefyll i fyny dros beth sy’n iawn a bod yn llais i'r rhai sydd heb lais. Dweud straeon pobl â Chlefyd y Crymangelloedd, clefydau gwaed eraill ac anableddau cudd. Sut? Byddaf yn trafod â phobl ifanc drwy ein sefydliad: Cyfeillion Clefyd y Crymangelloedd a Thalassemia Cymru (FOCSCT) sydd â Phwyllgor Ieuenctid, byddaf yn gallu cysylltu â’n pobl ifanc a chynnal grwpiau ffocws neu drafodaethau ar ba bynnag bwnc maen nhw eisiau trafod, a beth sydd angen ei newid. Rydw i wedi datblygu fy sgiliau a’m profiad dros y blynyddoedd fel gwirfoddolwr, trefnwr digwyddiadau a chadeirydd y pwyllgor ieuenctid. Mae angen bod yn gyfrifol yn y rolau hyn, ac rydw i wedi meithrin sgiliau fel siarad cyhoeddus, proffesiynoldeb a gwaith tîm. Dyma pam ddylai rhywun bleidleisio drosof fi.