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Edmund McSwiney
Environment / Yr amgylchedd
Education / Addysg
Healthcare / Gofal iechyd
I would be a good candidate because I have not only a passion for politics, but to change the lives of my fellow citizens. I’ve had this inspiration since I was only five years old. I thought it was impossible to get into the big jobs when I was a child, and that took a toll. But then, I learned of the Welsh Youth Parliament and that was my calling. What also makes me a good candidate is my renowned confidence, as I speak my mind and I am not afraid to have honest conversations. I have a good intelligence level, as I put others interests forward and developed my way of learning. I feel like the young lives in Wales have not much representation and I want to change that with the power of voice. People should vote for their voice, as I am the one who represents it, the voice of Wales.
Byddwn i’n ymgeisydd da oherwydd bod gen i angerdd am wleidyddiaeth, ac i newid bywydau fy nghyd-ddinasyddion. Dw i wedi cael yr ysbrydoliaeth hon ers i mi fod yn bum mlwydd oed. Roeddwn i’n meddwl ei bod hi’n amhosibl cael y swyddi pwysig pan oeddwn i’n blentyn, a wnaeth niwed mawr. Ond wedyn, dysgais i am Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru a dyna oedd fy ngalwedigaeth. Y peth arall sy’n fy ngwneud i’n ymgeisydd da yw fy hyder adnabyddus, gan fy mod i’n dweud fy meddwl a dw i ddim yn ofni cael sgyrsiau gonest. Mae gen i lefel ddeallusrwydd dda, gan fy mod i’n cyflwyno buddiannau pobl eraill ac wedi datblygu fy ffordd o ddysgu. Dw i’n teimlo nad oes gan bobl ifanc yng Nghymru lawer o gynrychiolaeth a dw i am newid hynny gyda phŵer llais. Dylai pobl bleidleisio dros eu llais, gan mai fi yw’r un sy’n ei gynrychioli, llais Cymru.