Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


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Cody Lee Watkins

Key Issue 1

Mental Health Services / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl

Key Issue 2

Unfair treatment in the NHS / Triniaeth annheg yn y GIG

Key Issue 3

Lack of resources in education / Diffyg adnoddau addysg


By many I've been regarded as an organised and efficient person. However, it's also worth noting my interest in community outreach. I volunteer with local groups as well as run some school clubs. Outside of my academic studies, I take interest in other extracurricular activities, for example, I take part in the local drama group and many a time I'm faced with young children struggling with confidence and emotional issues, by being there, it gives me the opportunity to socialize and inspire young children in ways that others may not have. I find it imperative that we find every possible chance to hear our youth's voices and inspire them to speak their minds. Recently I've been asked "Why do you want to be on the council?" To that I've found myself answering: "Well, many young people feel they aren't fairly represented in most judicial issues today, and I'd like to be the one that gives them this chance to be true to themselves and speak their minds."


Mae llawer yn dweud fy mod i’n berson trefnus ac effeithlon. Ond mae fy niddordeb mewn allgymorth cymunedol yn bwysig hefyd. Dw i’n gwirfoddoli gyda grwpiau lleol a rhai clybiau yn yr ysgol. Y tu allan i’r ysgol, mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn gweithgareddau trawsgwricwlaidd, er enghraifft, dw i’n cymryd rhan yn y grŵp drama lleol ac yn aml mae plant yn ifanc yn dod ataf fi gyda phroblemau hyder ac emosiynol. Drwy fod yno, mae gen i gyfle i gymdeithasu ac ysbrydoli plant ifanc mewn ffordd wahanol i bobl eraill. Dw i’n credu ei bod hi’n hollbwysig i ni gymryd pob cyfle i glywed lleisiau ein pobl ifanc, a’u hysbrydoli nhw i rannu eu barn. Yn ddiweddar, gofynnodd rhywun i mi “Pam wyt ti eisiau bod ar y cyngor?”. Fy ateb yw: “Wel, mae gormod o bobl ifanc yn teimlo nad ydyn nhw’n cael eu cynrychioli ar faterion pwysig heddiw, a dw i eisiau bod yr un sy’n rhoi cyfle iddyn nhw fod yn wir iddyn nhw eu hunain a dweud beth sydd ar eu meddyliau.”