Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Key Issue 1

People in poverty- unable to provide/Tlodi – methu darparu

Key Issue 2

Careers - not being able to provide/Gyrfaoedd sy’n methu darparu

Key Issue 3

People you can’t provide food/Pobl yn methu darparu bwyd


I would wish to be a youth parliament member because if I am elected, I will make the young and youthful voices around me to be heard by placing posters to showcase the powerful voice of our youthful generation.I feel like someone should vote for me because if they do I will make young careers and people in poverty and people who can’t feed their families voices heard and helped. The skills and experience I have that I think would make me a good Welsh youth parliament member are I have a loud voices and I am not shy and I speak against evil and people who are saying stuff that aren’t right and I speak for what is right and against the wrong,I have experience in evolve Stadwen youth committee were I stood and where I represented the community and their needs. I also have experience as the Eco Warrior and understand the challenges we are currently facing as a population.


Byddwn yn dymuno bod yn aelod o’r Seneddol Ieuenctid oherwydd, os byddaf yn cael fy ethol, byddaf yn gwneud i’r lleisiau ifanc o’m cwmpas gael eu clywed drwy osod posteri i arddangos llais pwerus ein cenhedlaeth ifanc. Rwy'n teimlo y dylai rhywun bleidleisio i mi oherwydd, os byddant yn gwneud hynny, byddaf yn sicrhau bod gyrfaoedd ifanc a phobl mewn tlodi a phobl sy’n methu bwydo eu teuluoedd yn cael eu clywed a'u helpu. Y sgiliau a’r profiad sydd gen i a fyddai’n fy ngwneud i’n aelod da o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yw bod gen i lais uchel ac nad wyf yn yn swil, ac rwy’n siarad yn erbyn drygioni a phobl sy’n dweud pethau sydd ddim yn iawn ac rwy’n siarad dros beth yn iawn ac yn erbyn yr anghyfiawn. Mae gen i brofiad o pwyllgor ieuenctid Evolve Stadwen lle roeddwn i'n sefyll a lle roeddwn i'n cynrychioli'r gymuned a'i hanghenion. Mae gen i brofiad hefyd fel y Rhyfelwr Eco ac rwy'n deall yr heriau rydyn ni'n eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd fel poblogaeth.