Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

George Easson

Key Issue 1

housing / Tai

Key Issue 2

transport / Trafnidiaeth

Key Issue 3

Healthcare / Gofal Iechyd


I am Running for office in the welsh youth parliament, because I believe that I best embody the needs of the welsh youth. For too long the youth parliament has stagnated, from infighting, some members fighting for personal gain.

With your support, I will build a strong coalition, through compromise and cooperation with my future colleagues, we might be able to have a voice over all of the political squabbling, take our voice back from the greedy opportunists, who view this job as no more than a nice addition to their resume, and get the wheels of change oiled once more.

If my plan in fully enacted, we may change Wales for the better, with your voice being loudest of all in the parliament


Dw i’n sefyll fel ymgeisydd Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd dw i’n credu fy mod yn gallu cynrychioli anghenion ieuenctid Cymru. Mae’r Senedd Ieuenctid wedi aros yn yr unfan am rhy hir, oherwydd ffraeo mewnol, a rhai aelodau yn ffraeo dros fudd personol.

Gyda’ch cefnogaeth chi, dw i am adeiladu clymblaid cryf, drwy gyfaddawdu a chydweithio gyda’m cydweithwyr yn y dyfodol, efallai gallwn ni godi llais dros y ffraeo gwleidyddol, a chymryd ein llais yn ôl oddi wrth y manteiswyr barus, sy’n gweld y rôl yn ddim mwy na rhywbeth da i roi ar CV, a dechrau newid pethau unwaith eto.

Os bydd fy nghynllun yn cael ei roi ar waith, gallwn ni newid Cymru er gwell, a’ch llais chi fydd y llais uchaf yn y senedd.