Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Liam Davies

Key Issue 1

Education / Addysg

Key Issue 2

Transport / Trafnidiaeth

Key Issue 3

Healthcare / Gofal Iechyd


I’m standing for the Welsh Youth Parliament because young people in my area deserve a straight-talking, honest advocate who truly listens to their needs and concerns. I will work hard to make sure your voice is heard.

My three main areas of focus are improving education by prioritising rigorous academics, ensuring public transport meets the needs of our community, and advocating for better healthcare access. Schools should equip students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to excel in a competitive job market, without being bogged down by unnecessary distractions.

I believe in fostering a culture of personal responsibility and self-reliance, encouraging young people to take charge of their own futures. It’s time to promote traditional values and community pride, ensuring that we build a strong foundation for the next generation.

If you want someone who will fight for pragmatic solutions and represent the true beliefs of our community, vote for me.


Rydw i’n sefyll fel ymgeisydd i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd mae pobl yn fy ardal yn haeddu eiriolwr onest sy’n siarad yn uniongyrchol ac sy’n gwrando ar eu pryderon ac anghenion. Dw i’n bwriadu gweithio yn galed i wneud yn siŵr bod eich llais yn cael ei glywed.

Y tri phrif beth y byddaf i’n canolbwyntio arnynt yw gwella addysg drwy flaenoriaethu byd academaidd cadarn, gwneud yn siŵr bod trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn bodloni gofynion ein cymuned, a eirioli dros fynediad gwell i ofal iechyd. Dylai ysgolion roi’r sgiliau ymarferol a’r wybodaeth sydd eu hangen ar fyfyrwyr i wneud yn dda iawn mewn marchnad swyddi gystadleuol, heb bethau diangen yn tarfu arnynt.

Rydw i’n credu mewn meithrin diwylliant o gyfrifoldeb personol a hunanddibyniaeth, gan annog pobl ifanc i reoli eu dyfodol eu hun. Mae hi’n amser hyrwyddo gwerthoedd traddodiadol a balchder cymunedol, gan wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni’n adeiladu seiliau cadarn ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf.

Os ydych chi eisiau rhywun fydd yn brwydro dros ddatrysiadau pragmataidd a chynrychioli credoau go iawn ein cymuned, pleidleisiwch drosof fi.