Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Hunter Watts

Key Issue 1

Schools helping young carers / Ysgolion yn helpu gofalwyr ifanc

Key Issue 2

Helping kids mental health / Helpu iechyd meddwl plant

Key Issue 3

Healthcare for chronic illness / Gofal iechyd ar gyfer salwch cronig


I wish to be a Welsh youth parliament member because I have seen many problems that I think can be fixed by the parliament, I’d like to speak for other non binary people like me and make sure that LGBT has a better understanding in schools because even when we learn about them there is still homophobia and transphobia that doesn’t get addressed enough. If voted I will listen to the complaints others have and address them to the Senedd, I will do all I can to make sure the new generation get their voices heard, I will do my best to represent my area and stand up for my generation. I will make sure that this country will become its best self and I will hear what others have to say about this country and act on it. I’m a young carer so I know what’s going on for people like me, I have debating skills that will be useful in this position. In conclusion I believe that I would be the best candidate for this position as I have experience of the minorities and know how to help them.


Dw i eisiau bod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd dw i wedi gweld llawer o broblemau dw i’n meddwl y bydden i’n gallu eu trwsio yn y senedd, dw i eisiau siarad dros bobl anneuaidd eraill fel fi a gwneud yn siŵr bod dealltwriaeth well o LHDT mewn ysgolion oherwydd hyd yn oed pan rydyn ni’n dysgu amdanynt, mae homoffobia a thrawsffobia yn dal i fodoli a dyw e’m yn cael ei drafod ddigon. Os caf fy ethol, dw i’n bwriadu gwrando ar gwynion eraill a’u trafod yn y Senedd, a gwneud fy ngorau i wneud yn siŵr bod lleisiau’r genhedlaeth nesaf yn cael eu clywed, dw i’n mynd i wneud fy ngorau i gynrychioli fy ardal a sefyll i fyny dros fy nghenhedlaeth. Dw i’n bwriadu gwneud yn siŵr bod y wlad y gorau y mae’n gallu bod. Dw i eisiau clywed barn pobl am y wlad a gweithredu ar hynny. Dw i’n ofalwr ifanc felly dw i’n gwybod beth sy’n digwydd i bobl fel fi, mae gen i sgiliau dadlau a fydd yn ddefnyddiol ar gyfer y rôl. I gloi, dw i’n credu mai fi yw’r ymgeisydd gorau ar gyfer y swydd oherwydd mae gen i brofiad o leiafrifoedd a dw i’n gwybod sut i’w helpu nhw.