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Sarah Coleman
Additional Learning Support / Cymorth Dysgu Ychwanegol
More environmental transport / Mwy o drafnidiaeth amgylcheddol
No more homelessness / Gwaredu digartrefedd
My name is Sarah Coleman. I am twelve years old and I have autistic sister. It can be hard living with her but she is also Incredible. I really don’t want any other children in schools to face what she does.I want to speak up for those children who can't speak up for themselves due to their additional learning needs. In my primary school I was first minister and I worked with my fellow ministers to produce new ideas on how to improve our school. And I would be honoured if I could do this again but on a larger scale. I want to be able to make decisions which I know will help many children in Wales. I would like to combine my ideas with other children’s to make a Wales we all are happy in. If you vote for me I will do all I can to ensure the child's voice is heard more often in the parliament. Don't you think every child in Wale's voice should be heard and listened to ?That is why I am standing for youth minister.
Sarah Coleman ydw i. Dw i’n 12 oed ac mae gen i chwaer ag Awtistiaeth. Mae byw gyda hi’n gallu bod yn anodd ond mae hi hefyd yn anhygoel. Dw i wir ddim eisiau i blant eraill mewn ysgolion wynebu’r un peth â hi. Dw i eisiau siarad i fyny dros blant sydd ddim yn gallu siarad dros eu hunain oherwydd anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Yn fy ysgol gynradd, roeddwn i’n brif weinidog a bues i’n gweithio gyda’r gweinidogion i feddwl am syniadau newydd ar sut i wella’r ysgol. Bydden i’n falch iawn o gael gwneud hyn eto ar raddfa fwy. Dw i eisiau gallu gwneud penderfyniadau dw i’n gwybod fydd yn helpu llawer o blant yng Nghymru. Dw i eisiau cyfuno fy syniadau gyda rhai plant eraill i wneud Cymru yn rhywle ry’n ni i gyd yn hapus ynddo. Os ydych chi’n pleidleisio drosof fi, dw i’n mynd i wneud fy ngorau i wneud yn siŵr bod llais plant yn cael ei glywed yn amlach yn y senedd. Ydych chi’n meddwl bod angen i leisiau plant Cymru gael eu clywed? Dyna pam dw i’n sefyll i fod yn weinidog ieuenctid.