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Freyah Evans
Mental health/Iechyd Meddwl
Sexual harassment/Aflonyddu Rhywiol
I want to be a member of the youth Parliament because like my peers I can relate to suffering with issues like mental health.I’ve been provided resources like CAMHS & ELSA which significantly helped me.I would like to help and be a advocate for the youth to voice their concerns. I will use social media as a tool to consult with young people in my area. I’d ensure young people’s voices are heard because I’m passionate on helping others as from a young age I’ve been taught to be kind and provide aid for those in need. I feel people should vote for me because I’ve always found it difficult to express my emotions and opinions. I believe many people my age could sympathise with this which could make me a relatable candidate.I have not had any experience in a role similar to this but I have many skills such as I’m extremely passionate and empathetic and i believe this would be an excellent start for change.I feel strongly on subjects like sexual harassment, bullying and mental health.
Dw i eisiau bod yn aelod o'r Senedd Ieuenctid oherwydd, fel fy nghyfoedion, gallaf uniaethu â materion fel iechyd meddwl. Dw i wedi cael adnoddau fel CAMHS ac ELSA, sydd wedi bod o gymorth mawr i mi. Hoffwn helpu a bod yn eiriolwr dros y bobl ifanc i leisio eu pryderon. Byddaf yn defnyddio’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol fel arf i ymgynghori â phobl ifanc yn fy ardal. Byddwn yn sicrhau bod lleisiau pobl ifanc yn cael eu clywed gan fy mod i’n angerddol dros helpu eraill oherwydd ers pan oeddwn yn ifanc, dw i wedi cael fy nysgu i fod yn garedig a helpu’r rhai mewn angen. Dw i’n teimlo y dylai pobl bleidleisio drosta i oherwydd dw i bob amser wedi ei chael hi'n anodd mynegi fy emosiynau a’m barn. Dw i’n credu y gallai llawer o bobl o’r un oedran gydymdeimlo â hyn a allai fy ngwneud i’n ymgeisydd y gallwch uniaethu â hi. Dydw i heb gael unrhyw brofiad mewn rôl debyg i hon ond mae gen i lawer o sgiliau; er enghraifft dw i’n hynod angerddol ac empathetig a chredaf y byddai hwn yn ddechrau da am newid. Mae gen i deimladau cryf am bynciau fel aflonyddu rhywiol, bwlio ac iechyd meddwl.