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Lois Donaway
Transport / Trafnidiaeth
Mental health services / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Domestic abuse services / Gwasanaethau trais domestig
I would like to become Welsh youth parliament member as it is an opportunity to represent young people’s ideas and concerns and address issues that affect young people like myself. I am currently in my first year of A-level politics in preparation for a future career, being a member of the youth parliament could also contribute to my education on this subject.
There are various strategies I could use to consult with young people in my area and aid engagement, this could be done via social media, collaborations with youth community work and also to give young people a place for their voice to be heard. People should vote for me as I am a passionate advocate for young people and dedicated to inclusivity and diversity, I also feel i would bring a new perspective while also not afraid to challenge any key issues affecting the young people of today.
I am a passionate and driven individual who works well both individually and as a team. I also feel like I am an approachable person.
Dw i eisiau dod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd mae’n gyfle i gynrychioli syniadau a phryderon pobl ifanc, a datrys problemau sy’n effeithio ar bobl ifanc fel fi. Ar hyn o bryd, dw i ym mlwyddyn 12 yn astudio gwleidyddiaeth i baratoi am fy ngyrfa i’r dyfodol, gallai bod yn aelod o’r Senedd Ieuenctid gyfrannu at fy addysg ar y pwnc. Mae ‘na lawer o strategaethau bydden i’n eu defnyddio i gysylltu â phobl ifanc yn fy ardal a gwella ymgysylltiad, fel y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, cydweithio gyda gwaith ieuenctid yn y gymuned a rhoi lle i bobl ifanc gael mynegi barn. Dylai pobl bleidleisio drosof fi gan fy mod i’n eiriolwr brwd dros bobl ifanc ac wedi ymrwymo i gynhwysiant ac amrywiaeth, dw i hefyd yn teimlo y bydden i’n gallu cynnig safbwynt newydd, a ddim yn ofni herio unrhyw broblemau allweddol sy’n effeithio pobl ifanc heddiw.
Dw i’n angerddol ac yn frwdfrydig, ac yn gweithio’n dda fel rhan o dîm ac yn unigol. Dw i hefyd yn teimlo ei bod hi’n hawdd siarad â fi.