Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Sophie Hall

Key Issue 1

Wellbeing in schools / Lles mewn ysgolion

Key Issue 2

Littering / Taflu sbwriel

Key Issue 3

BSL not being taught / BSL ddim yn cael ei addysgu


I would like to be a member of the youth welsh parliament as I would like to represent my region and improve the issues within my area. To consult with young people in my area I will send out google forms for schools to complete which I will then share with my fellow candidates. You should vote for me as I feel that I have good leadership qualities, I want everyone's voices to be heard and I feel that I am compassionate and kind towards others. Examples of this was my whole way through primary I was school council and in year 6 elected Head Girl. As I made the transition to secondary school I became my form representive for the year Council and the reserve for my year representive in the whole school council. I believe that this suggests that I listen to others and show leadership. Thank you


Dw i eisiau dod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd dw i eisiau cynrychioli fy rhanbarth a gwella problemau yn fy ardal. Er mwyn cysylltu â phobl ifanc yn fy ardal, dw i’n bwriadu anfon Google Forms i ysgolion eu llenwi, ac yna yn eu rhannu gyda fy nghyd-ymgeiswyr. Dylech chi bleidleisio drosof fi oherwydd dw i’n credu bod gen i rinweddau arwain da, dw i eisiau i lais pawb gael ei glywed a dw i’n teimlo fy mod yn dosturiol ac yn garedig ag eraill. Drwy gydol fy amser yn yr ysgol gynradd, roeddwn i ar y cyngor ysgol ac ym mlwyddyn 6 ro’n i’n Brif Ddisgybl. Pan symudais i’r ysgol uwchradd, roeddwn i’n gynrychiolydd dosbarth ar y cyngor blwyddyn, a’r cynrychiolydd wrth gefn ar gyfer y flwyddyn yn y cyngor ysgol llawn. Dw i’n credu bod hyn yn awgrymu fy mod i’n gwrando ar eraill ac yn gallu arwain. Diolch yn fawr.