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Amber Elin Perrott
Mental Health Services-support / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl - cymorth
Environment - sustainability / Yr amgylchedd - cynaliadwyedd
Education - extracurricular / Addysg - trawsgwricwlaidd
My name is Amber Perrott, I am age 11. I compete for Merthyr Tydfil Swimming Club and train four times a week. I support young swimmers, building their confidence and strength. I enjoy playing Flute grade 5 and Piano grade 2. I participate in afterschool clubs, including hockey and netball. In primary school I was a member of the school council. I enjoy debating and achieving fair outcomes. I can view from another perspective and have excellent teamwork skills. These skills are important for a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament.
I care about giving young people a voice and letting everybody share ideas or concerns. I believe every young person should have a chance to grow their skillset and be listened to. I can help make this happen.
If I get elected, I will focus on three key issues: helping young people with mental health, providing more extracurricular activities in some areas and promoting eco-friendly projects for a sustainable future. Together we can make a better future!
Bywgraffiad: Amber Perrott ydw i, dw i’n 11 oed. Dw i’n cystadlu i Glwb Nofio Merthyr Tudful ac yn hyfforddi pedair gwaith yr wythnos. Dw i’n cefnogi nofwyr ifancach na fi, gan ddatblygu eu hyder a chryfder. Dw i’n mwynhau chwarae’r Ffliwt gradd 5 a Piano gradd 2. Dw i’n cymryd rhan mewn clybiau ar ôl ysgol, gan gynnwys hoci a phêl-rwyd. Roeddwn i ar y cyngor ysgol yn yr ysgol gynradd. Dw i’n mwynhau dadlau a chael canlyniadau teg. Dw i’n gallu gweld o safbwyntiau gwahanol ac mae gen i sgiliau gwaith tîm gwych. Mae’r sgiliau hyn yn bwysig i aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Mae rhoi llais i bobl yn bwysig i mi, a rhoi cyfle i bobl rannu syniadau neu bryderon. Dw i’n credu bod angen i bob person ifanc gael cyfle i ddatblygu sgiliau a chael rhywun yn gwrando arnynt. Dw i’n gallu helpu gwneud i hyn ddigwydd. Os bydda’ i’n cael fy ethol, dw i’n mynd i ganolbwyntio ar tri mater allweddol: helpu pobl gyda phroblemau iechyd meddwl, cynnig mwy o weithgareddau trawsgwricwlaidd mewn rhai ardaloedd a hybu prosiectau cyfeillgar i’r amgylchedd ar gyfer dyfodol cynaliadwy. Gyda’n gilydd, byddwn ni’n gallu creu dyfodol gwell!