Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Key Issue 1


Key Issue 2

Mental health in young people/Iechyd Meddwl mewn pobl ifanc

Key Issue 3

Fostering in Wales/Maethu Yng Nghymru


I’m Neli Rhys and I’m from the Caernarfon area. My motivation for becoming a Welsh Youth Parliament member this year is my passion toward the subjects I’m interested in and also my connection with the subjects. I’ve competed in several public speaking competitions with the Young Farmer Clubs (YFC) movement, so I find it easy to speak in front of people.
I would hold group/one to one sessions for young people to be able to share their opinions. Also create an Instagram profile to communicate.
A lack of flexibility is the barrier of the three areas. I had an intense experience of mental health and the lack of awareness was frightful, a lack of support and a lack of understanding. The education system didn’t help me at all either, again the lack of training in schools was really disappointing. Welsh foster children are disadvantaged again due to the weaknesses of the fostering system.


Neli Rhys ydw i a dwi`n dod o cyffuniau ardal Caernarfon. Fy ysgogiad i fod yn aelod seneddol ieuanc eleni yw fy angerdd tuag at y pynciau rywf yn diddori ynddynt a fy ngysylltiad a`r pynciau yn ogystal. Rwyf wedi cystadlu mewn sawl cystadleuaeth siarad cyhoeddus gyda mudiad cffi felly yn gallu siarad oflaun pobl yn rhwydd.
Mi faswn yn cynnal sgyrsiau grwp/un i un i bobl ifanc allu rhannu eu barn.Hefyd yn creu proffil instagram er mwyn cyfathrebu.
Diffyg hyblygrwydd yw rhwystyr y tri maes. Ges i brofiad dwys o Iechyd Meddwl a mi roedd diffyg ymwybyddiaeth yn ddychrynllud,diffyg cymorth a diffyg dealldwriaeth. Doedd y system addysg yn helpu dim arnaf chwaith, eto diffyg hyfforddiant mewn ysgolion wir yn siomedig. Mae plant maeth Cymru odan anfantais eto oherwydd gwendidau y system maethu.