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Aled Marshall
The health of our nation / Iechyd ein cenedl
Children's mental health / Iechyd meddwl plant
Environmentally friendly Wales / Cymru amgylcheddol gyfeillgar
Hi I’m Aled Marshall and I think that I would be a perfect candidate to represent the youth of Delyn. I am a passionate Welshman, who believes that the young people of Wales need to be heard and have a voice. My 3 key priorities are the health of our nation, children’s mental health and keeping Wales globally friendly. If you vote for me you will be in safe hands, because I have experience in this area. I was on the school committee for a year. My main role on the committee was to listen and ensure that everyone in the year was heard and respected. As a member of the Senedd, I would come to meet you and listen to what you have to say. My main strengths are enthusiasm, the desire to make a difference, perseverance and a promise to represent my area. The reason why I want the opportunity to represent my area is to develop oral skills, meet similar-minded people and have something I can look back on with pride. Thank you, Aled Marshall
Helo fi yw Aled Marshall ac rwyn credu bysa i yn ymgeisydd perffaith i cynrhychioli ieuenctid ardal Delyn. Rwyn gymro angerddol sy’n credu bod angen i pobl ifanc Cymru cael ei glywed a cael llais. Fy 3 prif flaenoriaeth yw iechyd ein cenedl, iechyd meddwl plant a cadw Cymru yn gyfeillgar gyda fyd-eang. Os ydych yn bleidleisio i mi fyddych chi yn dwylo diogel, oherwydd mae gen i profiad yn y maes. Roeddwn i ar pwyllgor ysgol am flwyddyn. Fy mhrif swydd ar y pwyllgor oedd gwrando a gwneud yn siwr roedd pawb yn y flwyddyn yn cael ei glywed a parchu. Fyswn i fel aelod or senedd yn dod i gwrdd a chi a gwrando i beth sydd ganddoch chi i ddweud. Fy mhrif cryfderau yw brwydfrydedd, yr eisiau i creu wahaniaeth, dyfalbarhad ac rydw I'n addo i cynrhychioli fy ardal. Y rheswm rydw i eisiau y cyfle i cynrhychioli fy ardal yw i datblygu sgiliau siarad, i cwrdd a phobl o'r un anian ac rhywbeth y gallwn edrych yn ol arno gyda balchder. Diolch, Aled Marshall