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Ethan Lovelock
Mental Health Services/Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Environment/Yr amgylchedd
I belive I would be a good Welsh youth parliament member as I want to be a voice for young people across my area and Cymru. I will be open to hear from anyone what issues concern them and insure their voice is heard. I belive people should vote for me as I care about mental health and environment while also being a voice for young people who are so often underrepresented. I am a confident public speaker and care about people's voices being heard. This is why I belive I would be a good member of the Welsh youth Parliament.
Dw i’n credu y bydda i’n dda fel aelod Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru gan fy mod i eisiau bod yn llais i bobl ifanc ar draws fy ardal a Chymru. Bydda i’n agored i glywed gan unrhyw un am y materion sy’n eu pryderu a sicrhau bod eu llais yn cael ei glywed. Dw i’n credu y dylai pobl bleidleisio drosof i am fy mod i’n hidio am iechyd meddwl a’r amgylchedd a dw i hefyd yn llais i bobl ifanc sydd mor aml heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol. Dw i’n siaradwr cyhoeddus hyderus ac yn hidio am leisiau pobl ifanc yn cael eu clywed. Dyma pam dw i’n credu y byddwn i’n aelod da o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru.