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Leah Jade Gabriel

Key Issue 1

Bullying among young people / Bwlio ymysg pobl ifanc

Key Issue 2

Support for mental health / Cefnogaeth iechyd meddwl

Key Issue 3

Poverty among the youth of Wales / Tlodi ymhlith ieuenctid cymru


Hello my name is Leah Gabriel. I could make a difference, I would be a voice for young people and make sure that the concerns of individuals are heard. Three important issues I would like to discuss would be bullying among young people, the lack of support for young individuals who suffer with their mental health and finally, homelessness among the youth of Wales. These groups need a strong voice to represent them and I feel I have that voice.
My aim would be to try to stop bullying in schools by teaching young people to respect each other regardless of what is different about them. More serious consequences for those who bully need to be considered if things do not change. Also, I would like to try to make sure that every school has access to someone who can discuss mental health with pupils and that there is constant support for them in schools. I would also be keen to collaborate with a charity that cares for individuals who are dealing with financial problems at home.
I hope to use my passion for the benefit of the young people of Wales.


Helo fy enw i yw Leah Gabriel. Gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth, byddwn i'n llais i'r ieuenctid ac yn gwneud yn siŵr bod pryderon yr unigolion yn cael eu clywed. Tri mater pwysig yr hoffwn eu trafod fyddai bwlio ymysg pobl ifanc, y diffyg cefnogaeth tuag at unigolion ifanc sy'n dioddef o iechyd meddwl ac yn olaf, digartrefedd ymhlith ieuenctid Cymru. Mae'r carfannau hyn angen llais cryf i'w cynrychioli a theimlaf fod gen i'r llais hwnnw.
Fy nod fyddai ceisio atal bwlio mewn ysgolion trwy addysgu pobl ifanc i barchu ei gilydd waeth beth sydd yn wahanol amdanynt. Mae angen ystyried canlyniadau mwy difrifol i'r rheini sy'n bwlio os nad yw pathau'n newid. Hefyd, hoffwn geisio gwneud yn siŵr bod pob ysgol gyda mynediad at rywun sy'n medru trafod iechyd meddwl gyda'r disgyblion a bod cymorth cyson iddynt o fewn yr ysgolion.Byddwn hefyd yn awyddus i gydweithio ag elusen sy'n gofalu am unigigolion sy'n delio â phroblemau ariannol adref.
Rydw in gobeithio defnyddio fy angerdd er lles pobl ifanc Cymru.