Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


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Sophia Attard

Key Issue 1

Mental Health services/Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl

Key Issue 2


Key Issue 3

Cost of Living/Costau byw


I would like to be a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament because I care deeply about many issues that affect young people today and want to help solve these issues. One of these issues is mental health. A Lot of young people have anxiety and depression. It would be amazing to find ways to help young people with mental health problems. My second issue is the community. Community is everything and I believe adding more activities around the Cynon Valley such as youth clubs, basketball, art and more will help with socialising and finding out what people's issues are. Another suggestion that I have is that we could host more festivals to bring our amazing community together. The cost of living is a massive nationwide crisis which will affect the elderly and children. I propose doing fundraisers for disadvantaged families and our elderly community. I would love to make an impact by letting the WYP know what issues young people face. I am a good listener and I care deeply about helping.


Hoffwn i fod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd mae llawer o faterion sy'n effeithio ar bobl ifanc heddiw yn bwysig iawn i mi ac rydw i am helpu i ddatrys y materion hyn. Un o'r materion hyn yw iechyd meddwl. Mae llawer o bobl ifanc yn dioddef o orbryder ac iselder. Byddai’n wych gallu dod o hyd i ffyrdd o helpu pobl ifanc â phroblemau iechyd meddwl. Fy ail fater yw'r gymuned. Cymuned yw popeth a dwi'n credu y bydd ychwanegu mwy o weithgareddau o gwmpas Cwm Cynon fel clybiau ieuenctid, pêl-fasged, celf a mwy yn helpu gyda chymdeithasu a darganfod beth yw problemau pobl. Awgrym arall sydd gen i yw y gallem gynnal mwy o wyliau i ddod â'n cymuned wych gyda'i gilydd. Mae costau byw yn argyfwng cenedlaethol enfawr a fydd yn effeithio ar yr henoed a phlant. Rwy’n cynnig codi arian ar gyfer teuluoedd difreintiedig a’n cymuned oedrannus. Byddwn wrth fy modd yn cael effaith drwy roi gwybod i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru pa faterion y mae pobl ifanc yn eu hwynebu. Rwy'n wrandäwr da ac mae helpu yn bwysig iawn i mi.