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Eliza Watson
Mental Health / Iechyd Meddwl
Educational Opportunities / Cyfleoedd Addysgol
Food -Promoting Healthier Food / Bwyd – Hyrwyddo Bwyd Iachach
I have always personally wanted to help young people feel heard and to be heard. I'm a rather open person and I'm not afraid to share my opinions on different matters-especially if it's positive. I enjoy listening to people who want a change but also consider the aftermath and effects of those changes. Especially with Mental Health, I have experienced difficult times and feelings that make me believe that I have an advantage of connecting with people who feel the same way. I'm a confident speaker and willing to take risks, such as competitions, showing my bravery. (Eisteddfod). I can accept opinions even if I don't agree but I also believe that people can think what they want as long as it considers everyone else and how they feel about the subject. I am a kind person who would just like to let other people know that they are heard and they will be heard. I'm not a fluent Welsh speaker but I occasionally try to engage in the Welsh Language
Rydw i bob amser wedi bod eisiau helpu pobl ifanc deimlo fel eu bod yn cael eu clywed a gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw’n cael eu clywed. Dw i’n berson eithaf agored a dydw i’m yn ofni rhannu barn ar faterion amrywiol, yn enwedig os yw’n bositif. Dw i’n mwynhau gwrando ar bobl sydd eisiau newid, ond hefyd yn ystyried y canlyniadau ac effeithiau’r newid hynny. Yn enwedig gydag iechyd meddwl, dw i wedi cael profiad o adegau a theimladau anodd sy’n gwneud i mi gredu fod gen i’r fantais o allu cysylltu gyda phobl sy’n teimlo’r un peth. Dw i’n siaradwr hyderus ac yn barod i gymryd risgiau, fel cystadlaethau, dangos fy newrder (yr Eisteddfod). Dw i’n gallu derbyn barn hyd yn oed os nad ydw i’n cytuno ond dw i hefyd yn credu bod pobl yn gallu meddwl fel maen nhw eisiau, cyn belled bod nhw’n meddwl am bawb arall a sut maen nhw’n teimlo am y pwnc. Dw i’n berson caredig sydd eisiau gadael i bobl wybod eu bod nhw’n cael eu clywed, ac y byddan nhw’n cael eu clywed. Dw i ddim yn siarad Cymraeg yn rhugl, ond dw i’n rhoi cynnig arni weithiau.