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Noah Thomas

Key Issue 1

Environment/Yr amgylchedd

Key Issue 2


Key Issue 3

Healthcare/Gofal iechyd


I believe I, Noah Thomas, would be a good candidate for the Youth Parliament. I am 13 years old, and I am going into Year 9 this year. I am a confident, informed citizen, and an intelligent, empathetic student. I have been on the school council for both of my years, representing my year group. I hope to apply for student president later in my education, and would like to study political science later in life. I am a sociable person, and always strive to bring people's views to light. Outside of school I take theatrical arts classes, to enhance my speaking abilities. I am happy to speak in front of people, but also stand back and let others give their view when nessecary. I believe in equality, integrity, and change for the better. This is why I would be a great member of Youth Parliament.


Dw i’n credu y byddwn i, Noah Thomas, yn ymgeisydd da ar gyfer Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Dw i’n 13 oed, a dw i’n mynd i Flwyddyn 9 eleni. Dw i’n ddinesydd hyderus, gwybodus, ac yn fyfyriwr deallus, empathig. Dw i wedi bod ar y cyngor ysgol am dwy flwyddyn ysgol, yn cynrychioli fy ngrŵp blwyddyn. Dw i’n gobeithio gwneud cais am lywydd y myfyrwyr yn ddiweddarach yn fy addysg, a hoffwn astudio gwyddor wleidyddol yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd. Dw i’n berson cymdeithasol, a dw i bob amser yn ymdrechu i roi llais i farn pobl. Y tu allan i’r ysgol, dw i’n cymryd dosbarthiadau celfyddydau theatr, i wella fy ngalluoedd siarad. Dw i’n barod i siarad o flaen pobl, ond hefyd sefyll yn ôl a gadael i bobl eraill fynegi eu barn pan fo angen. Dw i’n credu mewn cydraddoldeb, uniondeb, a newid er gwell. Dyma pam byddwn i’n aelod gwych o’r senedd ieuenctid.