Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.
Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Lili Pocsai
Mental Health Services/Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Healthcare/Gofal iechyd
I believe I should be a Welsh Youth Parliament Member because I am highly opinionated (in a positive sense), a confident speaker, and can empathise with many modern day problems such as mental and financial struggles as a youth. Furthermore, I am already a volunteer at Young Wales, committed to combating issues regarding the before mentioned topics.
As a member of Sixth Form, I commandeer a certain level of respect and those who know me can advocate that I am a highly attentive and responsive listener. I willingly tale the "leader" role regardless of the situation and my peers know they can always come to me about a problem or a disagreement.
People should vote for me because I can guarantee that their voices will be heard and I am not afraid to approach "taboo" or "unimportant" topics. Everyone has their own demons, however, sometimes it takes multiple people to slay them.
Representation is just as important as communication, so I ensure you that I would be a valuable asset to the WYP
Rwy’n credu y dylwn i fod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd bod gen i farn gref (mewn ffordd gadarnhaol), yn siaradwr hyderus, ac yn gallu cydymdeimlo â llawer o broblemau modern megis brwydrau meddyliol ac ariannol fel person ifanc. Ar ben hyn, rwyf eisoes yn wirfoddolwr yn Cymru Ifanc, ac wedi ymrwymo i fynd i’r afael â materion y pynciau a nodwyd eisoes.
Fel aelod o’r Chweched Dosbarth, rwy’n ennyn lefel arbennig o barch a gall y rhai sy’n fy adnabod eiriol fy mod yn wrandäwr astud ac ymatebol iawn. Rwy'n barod i gymryd rôl yr "arweinydd" waeth beth fo'r sefyllfa ac mae fy nghyfoedion yn gwybod y gallant ddod i fy ngweld i bob amser os oes problem neu anghytundeb.
Dylai pobl bleidleisio i mi oherwydd gallaf warantu y bydd eu lleisiau'n cael eu clywed ac nid ydw i ofn trafod pynciau "tabŵ" neu "ddibwys". Mae gan bawb eu bwganod eu hunain, ac weithiau mae'n cymryd llawer o bobl i'w difa.
Mae cynrychiolaeth yr un mor bwysig â chyfathrebu, felly rwy’n eich sicrhau y byddwn yn ased gwerthfawr i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru.