Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Key Issue 1

Environment / Amgylchedd

Key Issue 2

Health services / Gwasanaethau Iechyd

Key Issue 3

Welsh language / Y Gymraeg


I want to be part of the Youth parliament because I want to make a difference, to help the environment and make sure that rights are respected. I also strongly believe in improving people’s mental health so that they feel happy and healthy because so many children today are dealing with anxiety and the stress of school. The thing I feel strongest about is the environment. In my primary school, I set up an environmental club with some of my friends. People say I'm a kind person who always thinks of others but that sometimes I think too much. I'm also a very creative person and I have a lot of ideas. I believe children can use their imagination to help in the Senedd. The thing I do best is solve problems and find a way to work things out by thinking, 'There's always another way'. At school I'm particularly good at maths. When I grow up I want to be a psychologist, my mother is a doctor and I have learned a lot from her. In my free time I like reading, art, creating videos for fun and sailing.


Rydw i eisiau bod yn rhan o Senedd ieieintodd oherwydd rydw i mwyn gwneud gwahaniaeth I helpu y amgylchedd a gwneud yn siwr bod hawliau yn cael eu parchu, hefyd rwyn temlo’n cryff am iechud meddwl i pobl teimlo happus a iach oherwyddd mae llawer o plant heddiw yn delio gyda anxiety ac y straen o ysgol.Y peth rwyn teimlon cryfath am yw y’r amgylchedd, Yn fy ysgol gynfadd roedd fi a rhai o fy ffrindiau wedi creu clwb amgylcheddd.Mae pobl yn gweud rwy’n person caredig sydd pob amser yn meddwl am eraill ond weithiau rwy’n meddwl gormod.Hefyd rwy’n peson creuadigol iawn a mae gen i llawer o suniadau.Rwyn credu gall plant ddefnyddio eu dychumig i helpu mewn y senedd.Y peth rwyn gorau yn yw datrus problemau a feindio fordd i gweithio pethau mas ‘Mae pob amser fordd arall’. Yn y ysgol rwy’n arbennig yn maths.Pryd rwy’n tyfu lan rydw i eisiau bod yn seicolegydd, mae’r mam fi yn doctor a rydw i wedi dysgu llawer wyrtho .Yn fy amser rhydd rydw i yn hoffi darllen,celf,creu vidios am hwyl a hwylio.