Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.
Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Rosie Charlotte Cornwell
Boosting quality of education/Hybu ansawdd addysg
Improving access to mental aid/Gwella mynediad at gymorth iechyd meddwl
Boosting local economic growth/Hybu twf economaidd lleol
Why should you vote for me? Because I will be your voice.
I have been interested in politics for most of my life and have discussed many critical issues that need to be addressed and changed. Joining the youth parliament will be a major stepping stone toward changes I will make for our sometimes-overlooked youth community.
Being a member of the school council throughout my life has given me the experience and skills to represent my school's youth. If elected I will take that further, giving a voice to the youth of Wales. I feel very strongly about the importance of having our voices heard and our opinions matter.
I have communicated with people through questionnaires and open conversations. Becoming a youth parliament member would allow me to reach a larger audience by utilising more effective communication methods like social media to further connect with young people throughout Wales.
I want to hear what matters to you and implement your ideas.
So, if you want change vote for me.
Pam ddylech chi bleidleisio drosof fi? Oherwydd byddaf yn lais i chi.
Rwyf wedi ymddiddori mewn gwleidyddiaeth am y rhan fwyaf o fy mywyd ac wedi trafod llawer o faterion hollbwysig y mae angen mynd i’r afael â hwy a’u newid. Bydd ymuno â’r senedd ieuenctid yn gam mawr tuag at y newidiadau y byddaf yn eu gwneud i’n cymuned ieuenctid sy’n cael ei hanwybyddu weithiau.
Mae bod yn aelod o'r cyngor ysgol drwy gydol fy mywyd wedi rhoi'r profiad a'r sgiliau i mi gynrychioli pobl ifanc fy ysgol. Os caf fy ethol byddaf yn mynd â hynny ymhellach, gan roi llais i bobl ifanc Cymru. Rydw i’n teimlo’n gryf iawn ynghylch pwysigrwydd cael ein lleisiau wedi’u clywed ac mae ein barn yn bwysig.
Rwyf wedi cyfathrebu â phobl trwy holiaduron a sgyrsiau agored. Byddai dod yn aelod senedd ieuenctid yn fy ngalluogi i gyrraedd cynulleidfa ehangach trwy ddefnyddio dulliau cyfathrebu mwy effeithiol fel y cyfryngau cymdeithasol i gysylltu ymhellach â phobl ifanc ledled Cymru.
Rwyf am glywed beth sy'n bwysig i chi a rhoi eich syniadau ar waith.