Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Mared Leisa Davies

Key Issue 1

Environment / Amgylchedd

Key Issue 2

Transport / Trafnidiaeth

Key Issue 3

Food / Bwyd


I am applying because I have a strong opinion/understanding regarding aspects of our society, such as the environment, so it is a great opportunity for me to voice my opinion as I introduce new ideas, to contribute positively. I am prepared to conduct online meetings, or in groups, to discuss with other young people about their views on different issues. In terms of extracurricular activities, I have been a member of hockey clubs, tennis etc, and have run for my school/county several times. I am part of an orchestra and attend a comprehensive secondary school so I meet children from different backgrounds. I believe that this makes me a solid candidate as I will not be biased when drawing conclusions, by trying to include all social classes. When I feel strongly about a subject, I always try to do as much as I can to make it a reality, which will be useful when voicing my concerns in the youth parliament. Finally I have seen/experienced and read over the years about the impact of the topics I chose on our society, be it good or bad.


Rwy'n ymgeisio oherwydd bod gen i farn/meddylfryd cryf dros agweddau o'n cymdeithas,fel yr amgylchedd,felly'n gyfle gwych i mi leisio fy marn wrth gyflwyno syniadau newydd,i gyfrannu'n gadarnhaol.Rwyn barod i gynnal cyfarfodydd dros y we,neu mewn grwpiau i drafod â phobl ifanc arall ynglŷn â'u barn nhw dros faterion gwahanol.O ran gweithgareddau allgyrsiol,rydw i wedi bod yn aelod o glybiau hoci,tenis etc,a wedi rhedeg dros fy ysgol/sir sawl tro.Rwyn rhan o gerddorfa ac yn mynychu ysgol uwchradd gyhoeddus felly yn cwrdd â phlant o wahanol gefndiroedd.Credaf bod hyn yn fy ngwneud i'n ymgeisydd cadarn gan ni fydd gen i duedd wrth ddod i gasgliadau,drwy geisio cynnwys pob dosbarth cymdeithasol.Pan deimlaf yn gryf dros bwnc,rwyf wastad yn ceisio gwneud y mwyaf gallaf i'w wireddu,a fydd yn ddefnyddiol wrth leisio fy mhryderon yn y senedd ieuenctid.Yn olaf rwyd wedi gweld/profi a darllen dros y blynyddoedd am effaith y pynciau ddewisais ar ein cymdeithas,boed hynny'n dda neu'n ddrwg.