Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Jemeima Fflur John

Key Issue 1

Mental Health Services / Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl

Key Issue 2

Education / Addysg

Key Issue 3

Equality / Cydraddoldeb


I believe I am incredibly suited to the role of Welsh Youth Parliament Member. Throughout childhood I’ve shown a strong sense of justice, which drove me to countless school councils, rotary meetings and equality groups. From Eco councils, to head Children’s Rights Ambassador, I absorbed every bit of knowledge and opportunity I could. Our voices matter more than ever at this time, and I am confident in my ability to make mine heard. I can certainly envision myself speaking publicly and engaging in crucial debates. After only 2 weeks of a new College, I have invested my time in assisting our Youth Leadership Team in their efforts to improve our school experience. Sources like my community in Howell’s, and the kindness of my peers will allow me to consult with them effectively.
I feel a distinct pride, that my Welsh Parliament offers this chance for communities like mine to highlight our thoughts. I would like to be genuinely considered as a candidate, because I will never ignore a voice.


Dw i’n credu fy mod i’n addas iawn ar gyfer rôl Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Drwy fy mhlentyndod dw i wedi dangos synnwyr o gyfiawnder, sydd wedi gwneud i mi fod ar sawl cyngor ysgol, cyfarfod rotari a grŵp cydraddoldeb. O gynghorau Eco i brif Lysgennad Hawliau Plant, dw i wedi dysgu popeth a chymryd pob cyfle posib. Mae ein lleisiau yn bwysicach nag erioed, a dw i’n credu yn fy ngallu i godi fy llais i. Dw i’n bendant yn gallu dychmygu fy hun yn siarad yn gyhoeddus ac yn cymryd rhan mewn dadleuon pwysig. Ar ôl dim ond 2 wythnos mewn Coleg newydd, dw i wedi buddsoddi amser yn helpu ein Tîm Arweinyddiaeth Ieuenctid i wella ein profiad ysgol. Bydd ffynonellau fel fy nghymuned yn Howell’s, a charedigrwydd fy nghyd-ddisgyblion yn golygu fy mod i’n gallu trafod yn effeithiol.
Dw i’n teimlo’n falch iawn bod Senedd Cymru yn rhoi cyfle i gymunedau fel fy un i godi llais. Dw i wir eisiau cael fy ystyried yn ymgeisydd, oherwydd fydda’ i fyth yn anwybyddu llais.