Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Florence Lerner

Key Issue 1

Housing. / Tai

Key Issue 2

Education. / Addysg

Key Issue 3

Food. / Bwyd


Approximately 34.6% of the Welsh population do not own their home. There are not enough rental properties, and are often in poor condition. Many children do not have a secure place to stay at night and without enough sleep, young people can be affected at school and other day to day activities.
All children deserve a positive educational experience. There are not enough teachers for the school population. We need solutions to reduce class sizes and have enough permanent teachers at school. Children need inspiring,consistent experiences at school to ensure a rewarding education.
All children deserve access to nutritious food. Families are struggling to feed themselves. Everyday parents go hungry to feed their children. Free school meals and provision for nourishing food during the holidays should be mandatory. A well-fed family thrives.
I would like to be a Welsh Youth Parliament Member as I want to give a voice to the youth of Wales. Please vote for me, I want to make a difference.


Nid yw tua 34.6% o boblogaeth Cymru yn berchen ar eu cartref. Nid oes digon o eiddo rhent, ac yn aml mae mewn cyflwr gwael. Nid oes gan lawer o blant le diogel i aros yn y nos a heb ddigon o gwsg, gall pobl ifanc gael eu heffeithio yn yr ysgol ac wrth ymgymryd â gweithgareddau eraill o ddydd i ddydd.
Mae pob plentyn yn haeddu profiad addysgol cadarnhaol. Does dim digon o athrawon ar gyfer y niferoedd sydd mewn ysgolion. Mae angen atebion arnom i leihau maint dosbarthiadau a chael digon o athrawon parhaol yn yr ysgol. Mae angen profiadau ysbrydoledig, cyson ar blant yn yr ysgol i sicrhau addysg gwerth chweil.
Mae pob plentyn yn haeddu mynediad at fwyd maethlon. Mae teuluoedd yn cael trafferth bwydo eu hunain. Bob dydd mae rhieni'n llwgu er mwyn bwydo eu plant. Dylai prydau ysgol am ddim, a darpariaeth ar gyfer bwyd maethlon yn ystod y gwyliau, fod yn orfodol. Mae teulu sy'n cael ei fwydo'n dda yn ffynnu.
Hoffwn fod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru gan fy mod eisiau rhoi llais i ieuenctid Cymru. Pleidleisiwch drosof fi, rydw i eisiau gwneud gwahaniaeth.