Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.
Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Keira Malcolm-Mullock
The cost of living crisis/Yr argyfwng costau byw
Career guidance/Cyfarwyddyd gyrfaoedd
It is my belief that through Senedd Cymru, young people have a valuable opportunity to improve Wales and solve its current issues. For years I have been interested in Uk politics & am passionate about solving issues through debates & votes. I would love the opportunity to be a part of this parliament.
I believe myself to be an ideal candidate due to my variety of experiences & commitment to my community. This includes donating to charities, raising funds for charitable organisations & volunteering for my local community. To ensure that young people are heard, I plan to communicate with them via my high school & online as this should be effective.
As someone who has been a part of youth organisations, has experiences in leadership roles & as someone who can drive positive change, I am eager to contribute my ideas to benefit Wales. The variety of skills that I have acquired allows me to collaborate ideas & work successfully as a group & individually to enhance the lives of many.
Yn fy marn i, drwy Senedd Cymru, mae pobl ifanc yn cael cyfle gwerthfawr i wella Cymru a datrys ei phroblemau presennol. Ers blynyddoedd dw i wedi bod â diddordeb yng ngwleidyddiaeth y DU ac yn angerddol am ddatrys materion trwy ddadleuon a phleidleisiau. Byddwn wrth fy modd yn cael y cyfle i fod yn rhan o’r Senedd.
Dw i’n credu fy mod i’n ymgeisydd delfrydol oherwydd fy amrywiaeth o brofiadau ac ymrwymiad i’m cymuned. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfrannu at elusennau, codi arian ar gyfer sefydliadau elusennol a gwirfoddoli ar gyfer fy nghymuned leol. Er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn cael eu clywed, dw i’n bwriadu cyfathrebu â nhw trwy fy ysgol uwchradd ac ar-lein gan y dylai hyn fod yn effeithiol.
Fel rhywun sydd wedi bod yn rhan o sefydliadau ieuenctid, sydd â phrofiadau mewn rolau arwain ac fel rhywun sy’n gallu ysgogi newid cadarnhaol, dw i’n awyddus i gyfrannu fy syniadau er budd Cymru. Mae’r amrywiaeth o sgiliau dw i wedi’u hennill yn fy ngalluogi i gydweithio â syniadau a gweithio’n llwyddiannus fel grŵp ac yn unigol i gyfoethogi bywydau llawer o bobl.