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Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Alice Kent
Sport Opportunities/Cyfleoedd Chwaraeon
Food for all/Bwyd i bawb
Shwmae! My name’s Alice, I’m standing as a WYPM as I truly want to make a difference to the lives of young people in Wales. As a hardworking and considerate person with a willingness to listen to your needs and concerns, I know I have the skills for this role.
Young people in Wales deserve equal opportunities for all genders, backgrounds, mental and physical abilities, race or religions. We must ensure that services are available bilingually and that the Welsh language thrives.
We need a choice of sport irrespective of gender in schools. I encourage all sports from cycling to surfing, football to fencing, dance to dodgeball. We need accessible pools, leisure centres, coaches and equipment, where you live in Wales.
School menus must be affordable and free meals must be accessible. The quality and selection on offer can be improved so that everyone enjoys eating school meals.
On top of this I commit to be someone young people can talk to and feel comfortable with. Thanks for reading, Diolch.
Shwmae! Fy enw i yw Alice, dw i’n sefyll fel Aelod Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru gan fy mod i wir eisiau gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Fel person sy'n gweithio'n galed ac yn ystyriol gyda pharodrwydd i wrando ar eich anghenion a'ch pryderon, gwn fod gen i’r sgiliau ar gyfer y rôl hon.
Mae pobl ifanc yng Nghymru yn haeddu cyfle cyfartal i bob rhywedd, cefndir, gallu meddyliol a chorfforol, hil neu grefydd. Rhaid inni sicrhau bod gwasanaethau ar gael yn ddwyieithog a bod y Gymraeg yn ffynnu.
Mae angen dewis o chwaraeon waeth beth fo rhywedd disgyblion mewn ysgolion. Dw i’n annog pob math o chwaraeon, o feicio i syrffio, o bêl-droed i ffensio, ac o ddawnsio i osgoi’r bêl. Mae angen pyllau hygyrch, canolfannau hamdden, hyfforddwyr ac offer lle rydych chi’n byw yng Nghymru.
Rhaid i fwydlenni ysgol fod yn fforddiadwy a rhaid i brydau ysgol am ddim fod yn hygyrch. Mae modd gwella'r ansawdd a'r dewis a gynigir fel bod pawb yn mwynhau bwyta prydau ysgol.
Ar ben hyn, dw i’n ymrwymo i fod yn rhywun y gall pobl ifanc siarad ag hi a theimlo'n gyfforddus â hi. Diolch am ddarllen.