Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


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Odera Chibuzor

Key Issue 1

Mental Health Support in Education/Cymorth Iechyd Meddwl mewn Addysg

Key Issue 2

Sustainable transport/Trafnidiaeth Gynaliadwy

Key Issue 3

Financial aid for Students/Cymorth Ariannol i Fyfyrwyr


I am deeply committed to representing the voices of young people and acting as a strong advocate for them, ensuring that their concerns are heard. I aspire to be a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament, as I firmly believe that together we can shape a better future for all, focusing on issues such as improved financial aid for students, sustainable and affordable transport, and better mental health support in education. These three topics consistently affect young people across Wales, and I am and will remain committed to advocating for positive and significant changes.

If I am elected, I will actively engage with my community through a range of media, such as social media or open discussions. I want to hear what you think and what you need. I want to always make sure that your opinions are consistently represented. I am dedicated and committed to action. I am going to put my skills to the test to make a better Wales for all young people.


Dw i wedi ymrwymo’n ddwfn i gynrychioli lleisiau pobl ifanc a gweithredu fel eiriolwr cryf drostyn nhw, gan sicrhau bod eu pryderon yn cael eu clywed. Dw i’n dyheu am fod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, gan fy mod i’n credu’n gryf y gallwn lunio dyfodol gwell i bawb gyda’n gilydd, gan ganolbwyntio ar faterion fel cymorth ariannol gwell i fyfyrwyr, trafnidiaeth gynaliadwy a fforddiadwy, a gwell cymorth iechyd meddwl mewn addysg. Mae’r tri phwnc hyn yn effeithio’n gyson ar bobl ifanc ledled Cymru, a dw i’n ymrwymedig i eirioli dros newidiadau cadarnhaol a sylweddol, a byddaf yn parhau i fod felly.

Os caf fy ethol, byddaf yn ymwneud â’m cymuned drwy amrywiaeth o gyfryngau, megis y cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu drafodaethau agored. Dw i am glywed beth rydych chi'n ei feddwl a beth sydd ei angen arnoch chi. Dw i bob amser eisiau gwneud yn siŵr bod eich barn yn cael ei chynrychioli’n gyson. Dw i’n ymroddgar ac yn ymroddedig i weithredu. Dw i’n mynd i roi fy sgiliau ar brawf i wneud Cymru well i bob person ifanc.