Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Amelia Rose Joan Thomas

Key Issue 1

Education - Welsh curriculum/Addysg – Cwricwlwm i Gymru

Key Issue 2

Environment - Sustainability/Amgylchedd – Cynaliadwyedd

Key Issue 3

Mental Health - Awareness/Iechyd Meddwl – Ymwybyddiaeth


I would make a good member of the Welsh Youth Parliament because I have learnt many things that have allowed me to build skills that I think would be useful in a role such as this. I am an active member of my school’s debate team, which displays both my ability to work in a team and my ability to voice my opinions confidently. I was voted form representative for my registration class last year, a position I continue to hold this year. I am also a Patrol Leader in my Scout troupe. I have played large roles in the Shakespeare Schools Festival two years in a row. I am proud to be a member of the Senghenydd Youth Drop In Centre (SYDIC, the main youth provision in the Aber Valley). Through this provision I participate in the Young People’s Oral History and Heritage project, interviewing various members of the community about their lives and cultures; bridging the gaps between generations. All of these opportunities have prepared me for future collaborative and influential roles.


Byddwn yn aelod da o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd dw i wedi dysgu llawer o bethau sydd wedi fy ngalluogi i feithrin sgiliau a fyddai’n ddefnyddiol mewn rôl fel hon yn fy marn i. Dw i’n aelod gweithgar o dîm dadlau fy ysgol, sy'n dangos fy ngallu i weithio mewn tîm a’m gallu i leisio fy marn yn hyderus. Cefais fy ethol fel cynrychiolydd fy nosbarth cofrestru y llynedd, rôl dw i’n parhau i'w dal eleni. Dw i hefyd yn Arweinydd Patrôl yn fy ngrŵp Sgowtiaid. Dw i wedi chwarae rhan fawr yn y Shakespeare Schools Festival ddwy flynedd yn olynol. Dw i’n falch o fod yn aelod o Ganolfan Galw Heibio Ieuenctid Senghennydd (SYDIC, prif ddarpariaeth ieuenctid Cwm Aber). Trwy’r ddarpariaeth hon, dw i’n cymryd rhan ym mhrosiect Hanes Llafar a Threftadaeth Pobl Ifanc, gan gyfweld ag amrywiol aelodau o’r gymuned am eu bywydau a’u diwylliannau, gan bontio'r bylchau rhwng y cenedlaethau. Mae'r holl gyfleoedd hyn wedi fy mharatoi ar gyfer rolau cydweithredol a dylanwadol yn y dyfodol.