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Grace Lee
Housing/homelessness / Tai/digartrefedd
Environment / Yr amgylchedd
Healthcare / Gofal iechyd
I believe that Wales has many strong points, but it also has many areas for improvement. I feel passionately about combating issues like homelessness, environmental damage, poor healthcare and lack of education. If elected, I would actively talk and listen to young members of my community, as I have been on my school’s pupil council for three years, voicing their vital thoughts and needs. I am hard-working, confident, determined and caring, and I know that if I were to be elected and explore problems throughout Wales, I would work with others to solve them with the utmost passion, sympathy and perseverance, so I know I could deliver on their needs. I feel incredibly strongly about helping Wales and its young people to develop and thrive, and one day hope to become a Member of the Senedd. I believe that Wales is fundamentally built upon community, and if elected, I would stand for my community, and what is best and right for its young people and the environment around them.
Dw i’n credu bod gan Gymru lawer o bethau da, ond mae hefyd llawer o bethau sydd angen eu gwella. Dw i’n angerddol dros daclo pethau fel digartrefedd, niwed amgylcheddol, gofal iechyd gwael a diffyg addysg. Os caf fy ethol, bydden i’n siarad ac yn gwrando ar aelodau ifanc o’r gymuned, fel dw i wedi ei wneud ar gyngor disgyblion yr ysgol ers tair blynedd, yn lleisio eu meddyliau ac anghenion hanfodol. Dw i’n weithgar, yn hyderus, yn benderfynol ac yn ofalgar, a dw i’n gwybod os bydden i’n cael fy ethol ac yn edrych ar broblemau yng Nghymru, bydden i’n gweithio gydag eraill i’w datrys nhw gydag angerdd, empathi a gwydnwch, a dw i’n gwybod y bydden i’n gallu bodloni gofynion. Dw i’n teimlo’n gryf iawn dros helpu Cymru a’i phobl ifanc ddatblygu a ffynnu, ac un diwrnod dw i’n gobeithio bod yn Aelod o’r Senedd. Dw i’n credu bod Cymru yn seiliedig ar y gymuned, ac os caf fy ethol, bydden i’n sefyll i fyny dros fy nghymuned a beth sydd orau ac yn iawn i’w phobl ifanc a’r amgylchedd o’u cwmpas.