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Hector Warner
Education / Addysg
Mental Health Services / Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Environment / Yr amgylchedd
I want to become a member of youth parliament not just make my voice heard but to make young people's voice's heard in my local area, Bridgend. I will consult with young people and make their voices heard via; running youth campaigns to discuss key issues which young people are passionate about, use various social media platforms to spread awareness of key issues which young people care about, work with charities which advocate for causes young people and I am passionate about and encouraging youth to send letters about various things their passionate about to parliament. You should vote for me because I posses qualities such as being a deep thinker, having determination, being very philosophical and I will make sure to listen to the youth's voices and make them heard. I have visited the Senedd and engaged in discussions with MPs around shortening school holidays etc. I have been a member of the school council, eco community and often represent Primary School during visits and outings.
Dw i eisiau dod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru nid yn unig i wneud yn siŵr bod fy llais i’n cael ei glywed ond hefyd lleisiau pobl ifanc eraill yr ardal leol, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Dw i’n bwriadu cysylltu gyda phobl ifanc a gwneud yn siŵr bod eu lleisiau’n cael eu clywed drwy redeg ymgyrchoedd ieuenctid i drafod materion allweddol y mae pobl yn angerddol drostyn nhw, defnyddio platfformau cyfryngau cymdeithasol i godi ymwybyddiaeth am faterion allweddol sy’n bwysig i bobl, gweithio gydag elusennau sy’n eirioli dros achosion pobl ifanc, a dw i’n angerddol dros annog pobl ifanc i anfon llythyrau am bethau amrywiol sy’n bwysig iddyn nhw i’r Senedd. Dylech chi bleidleisio drosof fi oherwydd mae gen i rinweddau megis gallu meddwl yn drylwyr, dw i’n benderfynol, dw i’n athronyddol iawn a dw i’n siŵr o wrando ar leisiau pobl ifanc a chael eraill i’w clywed. Dw i wedi ymweld â’r Senedd a chymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau ag ASau am leihau gwyliau’r ysgol ac ati. Dw i wedi bod yn aelod o’r cyngor ysgol, y gymuned eco ac wedi cynrychioli fy ysgol gynradd yn aml yn ystod ymweliadau.