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Edie James Jenkins

Key Issue 1

Disability/ education / Addysg ac anabledd

Key Issue 2

Health / disabilities / Iechyd, yn enwedig anabledd

Key Issue 3

Housing / disability / Tai


Having disabled siblings I have a good sense of how disabled children and there families are treated with life experience I could fight for exactly what I right and talk about the importance of change what problems families face and what we can do to change things .. I can promote children’s rights in the area in schools and meet with local authorities and welsh charities


Am fod gen i siblingiaid anabl, mae gen i synnwyr da o sut mae plant anabl a’u teuluoedd yn cael eu trin gyda phrofiad bywyd. Gallwn i ymladd dros yn union beth sy’n iawn a siarad am bwysigrwydd newid, pa broblemau mae teuluoedd yn eu hwynebu a beth gallwn ni ei wneud i newid pethau. Dw i'n gallu hyrwyddo hawliau plant yn yr ardal mewn ysgolion a chyfarfod ag awdurdodau lleol ac elusennau Cymru.