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Tilly Jones
Over-reliance on exams/Gorddibyniaeth ar arholiadau
The environment/Yr Amgylchedd
Young people's mental heath/Iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc
Hi, I'm Tilly and growing up I noticed that unless I spoke up I wouldn't be noticed which made me the loud- outspoken person I am today. Which is what I plan to be able to do for young people in Wales if I get elected again this year. Being elected previously gave me that opportunity to speak out and while still achieving so much, there’s still so much more yet to be achieved and I would love to be able to do so. As my confidence grew during my time in the WYP I feel that I can truly make the most of it if i’m elected again. My first issue is over-reliance on exams. This issue is one that hits close to home and I think the only people that can urge this change is us. During exam season it is clear that students are presented with too much pressure on their exams which is so harmful to their mental health, previously being a member of the mental health committee has shown me the big issues that are still lurking that need to be fixed. Which is why mental health is also one of my issues.
Helô, Tilly ydw i ac wrth dyfu, sylwais oni bai fy mod i’n lleisio fy marn, ni fyddai unrhyw un yn sylwi arnaf. Dyma’r hyn a wnaeth i mi fod y person uchel ei chloch yr ydw i heddiw. Dyna beth dw i’n bwriadu ei wneud i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru os caf fy ethol eto eleni. Mae cael fy ethol yn flaenorol wedi rhoi'r cyfle hwnnw i mi leisio fy marn, ac er ein bod eisoes wedi cyflawni cymaint, mae cymaint eto i'w wneud a byddwn wrth fy modd yn gallu gwneud hynny. Wrth i’m hyder gynyddu yn ystod fy amser yn SIC, teimlaf y gallaf wneud y gorau ohono os caf fy ethol eto. Fy mater cyntaf yw gorddibyniaeth ar arholiadau. Mae’r mater hwn yn un sy’n clwyfo i'r byw a dw i’n meddwl mai ni yw’r unig bobl a all annog y newid hwn. Yn ystod tymor yr arholiadau mae’n amlwg bod gormod o bwysau ar fyfyrwyr ynglŷn â’u harholiadau sydd mor niweidiol i’w hiechyd meddwl. Mae bod yn aelod o’r pwyllgor iechyd meddwl yn flaenorol wedi dangos i mi’r problemau mawr sy’n dal i fod yn llechu ac sydd angen eu datrys. A dyna pam mae iechyd meddwl hefyd yn un o’m materion.