Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.
Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.
Michael Jay Hughes
Free buses for learners (6-25) / Buses am ddim i dysgwyr(6-25).
Less hotels and Airbnbs / Llai o gwestai ac airbnbs.
Don’t translate names into English / Trafnidiaeth gwell i pawb.
I want to be a Member of the Welsh Youth Parliament because it will allow me to have a positive impact on the area I love. I think I would be a very valued member due to my ability to confidently go to the Senedd and my experience of working with the youth community through the Mind Our Future project. I would be a strong advocate for young people by listening to their concerns and using their voices to create a better future in Wales. I promise to prioritise putting an end to the challenges young people face and encourage them to vote for me based on my understanding and my sympathy for their experiences.
Rydw i eisiau bod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru oherwydd bydd yn gadael i mi cael effaith gadarnhaol yn yr ardal rydw i yn caru. Rwy’n credu y byddwn yn aelod gwerthfawr oherwydd fy ngallu i fynd i’r senedd yn hyderus a fy'n mhrofiad o weithio gyda’r gymuned ieuenctid trwy’r prosiect Meddwl Ymlaen. Byddwn yn eiriolwr cryf dros bobl ifanc drwy gwrando ar eu pryderon a defnyddio ei leisiau i greu dyfodol gwell yng Nghymru. Rwy’n addo blaenoriaethu stopio'r heriau mae pobl ifanc yn eu wynebu ac yn ei annog i bleidleisio drosaf yn seiliedig ar fy dealltwriaeth ac fy cydymdeimlad am eu profiadau.