Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Tomos Wyn Bodden Jones

Key Issue 1

Farming / Ffermio

Key Issue 2

Healthcare / Gofal iechyd

Key Issue 3

Enviornment / Yr amgylchedd


I’m Tomos Wyn Bodden Jones and the reason I want to be in the Welsh Youth Parliament is because I have been brought up in a very rural village. I know how it feels to be badly treated by other people, so I want people like me to have their voice heard by everyone. I will consult young people by speaking to them face to face and won’t say my opinion but their opinion in the Senedd. You should vote for me because I’m good at speaking in front of people. I speak clearly, can engage with young people and I want young people’s voices to be heard. I’ve always had good speaking skills since I was little. I am confident when I speak, I am clear, can engage with young people, can listen to other people’s opinions, can debate on every topic.
Thank you very much for listening.
Tomos Wyn


Fi yw Tomos Wyn Bodden Jones ag y rheswm dwi eisiau bod yn Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yw achos dwi di gael fy magu yn bentref gwledig iawn .Dwi yn gwybod sut mae o yn teimlo i gael ei thrin yn wael gan bobol eraill felly dwi eisiau bobol fel fi gael ei llais nhw allan i bawb gael clywed. Byddaf i yn ymgynghori efo pobol ifanc gan siarad efo nhw hwyneb i wyneb ag ddim deud fy marn i ond ei farn nhw yn y senedd. Dylsa chi pleidleisio amdanaf i oherwydd dwi yn dda yn siarad o flaen bobol. Dwi'n siarad yn glir, gallu ymwneud efo bobol ifanc a dwi eisiau lleisiau pobol ifanc gael ei glywed. Dwi efo llawer o sgiliau siarad ers oni fach. Dwi yn hyderus pam dwi'n siarad, glir, yn gallu ymwneud efo pobol ifanc, gallu gwrando ar farn pobol eraill, gallu trafod am bob pwnc.
Diolch yn fawr am wrando,
Tomos Wyn