Please note that the content shared in candidate profiles are the views of individual candidates and not of the Senedd.


Please also note that all profiles have been translated to ensure that candidate information is available bilingually.

Key Issue 1

Transport / Trafnidiaeth

Key Issue 2

Healthcare / Gofal iechyd

Key Issue 3

Environment / Yr Amgylchedd


My name is ojo isaiah . I am in year 10
I want to join the Welsh youth Parliament in Allun and Deeside because it will provide me the opportunity to bring about social change through meaningful representation and campaigning for better life for young people. I want to use my voice in creative ways to bring about positive social changes. I will work with my team to find a solution to problems that can affect young people like me and the next generation.
If I am part of the Welsh youth Parliament, I can work as a team to shapen the world into a better and greater society. I believe one man can make a difference but I can do more by working with different people from different organisations that are of like minds and goals.
I am able to work under pressure, I am Persistent , I have good communication skills, I am willing to learn new things , I have organizational skills , I am honest and hardworking, I am result -driven also. I believe with all these skills I'll be able to impact t


Fy enw i yw Ojo Isaiah. Rydw i’n ddisgybl blwyddyn 10.
Rydw i eisiau ymuno â Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy oherwydd bydd yn rhoi cyfle i mi achosi newid cymdeithasol drwy gynrychiolaeth ystyrlon ac ymgyrchu dros fywyd gwell i bobl ifanc. Dw i eisiau defnyddio fy llais mewn ffyrdd creadigol i achosi newid cymdeithasol positif. Byddaf yn gweithio gyda fy nhîm i ddod o hyd i ddatrysiad i broblemau a all effeithio ar bobl ifanc fel fi a’r genhedlaeth nesaf.
Os ydw i’n rhan o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, byddaf yn gallu gweithio fel tîm i siapio’r byd i fod yn gymdeithas well. Rydw i’n credu bod un dyn yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth, ond dw i’n gallu gwneud mwy drwy weithio gyda phobl wahanol o sefydliadau gwahanol sy’n meddwl fel fi, ac sydd â nodau tebyg.
Rydw i’n gallu gweithio dan bwysau, rydw i’n benderfynol, mae gen i sgiliau cyfathrebu da, rydw i’n fodlon dysgu pethau newydd, mae gen i sgiliau trefnu. Rydw i’n onest ac yn weithgar, rydw i hefyd yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau. Dw i’n meddwl y bydd y sgiliau hyn yn fy helpu i fod yn effeithiol.