Noder mai barn yr ymgeiswyr unigol sydd wedi’i nodi ym mhroffiliau’r ymgeiswyr, ac nid yw’r cynnwys hwn yn cynrychioli barn y Senedd.
Noder hefyd bod yr holl broffiliau wedi’u cyfieithu i sicrhau bod y wybodaeth am yr ymgeiswyr ar gael yn ddwyieithog.
Phoebe Jones
Transport / Trafnidiaeth
Health care / Gofal iechyd
Education / Addysg
Empowering the young Welsh generation to be heard is something I feel passionate about. Having a voice is crucial in a society where our opinions can be under heard, thus why I strongly advocate to fix this, by becoming a Welsh Youth Parliament member. Being an active citizen through my volunteering, work and current education has allowed me to see both the highlights but also the current problems of which our Welsh system faces and through speaking with likeminded individuals in each setting, it's evident to see that it’s a shared viewpoint. I believe someone should vote for me as I am enthusiastic and passionate about delving into the areas chosen and seeing the difference my part would have in the community by ensuring everyone’s voices are heard. Not to mention, I believe my strong leadership and communication skills will provide me with a strong standpoint to effectively represent people’s say. But most importantly, the key areas chosen deeply reflect my values and priorities.
Empowering the young Welsh generation to be heard is something I feel passionate about. Having a voice is crucial in a society where our opinions can be under heard, thus why I strongly advocate to fix this, by becoming a Welsh Youth Parliament member. Being an active citizen through my volunteering, work and current education has allowed me to see both the highlights but also the current problems of which our Welsh system faces and through speaking with likeminded individuals in each setting, it's evident to see that it’s a shared viewpoint. I believe someone should vote for me as I am enthusiastic and passionate about delving into the areas chosen and seeing the difference my part would have in the community by ensuring everyone’s voices are heard. Not to mention, I believe my strong leadership and communication skills will provide me with a strong standpoint to effectively represent people’s say. But most importantly, the key areas chosen deeply reflect my values and priorities.
Dw i’n teimlo’n gryf dros rymuso’r genhedlaeth ifanc Gymreig i gael ei chlywed. Mae bod â llais yn hanfodol mewn cymdeithas lle does dim digon yn gwrando ar ein barn, a dyna pam dw i’n teimlo’n gryf dros wella hyn a dod yn aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Mae bod yn ddinesydd actif drwy fy ngwaith gwirfoddol, gwaith ac addysg wedi gadael i mi weld y pethau da, ond hefyd y problemau yn ein system yng Nghymru, a thrwy siarad gydag unigolion tebyg yn bob lleoliad, mae’n amlwg i mi bod llawer yn teimlo’r un peth. Dw i’n credu dylech chi bleidleisio drosof fi gan fy mod yn frwdfrydig ac angerddol dros ddeillio i’r meysydd hynny a gweld y gwahaniaeth galla’ i ei gael yn y gymuned, drwy wneud yn siŵr bod lleisiau pawb yn cael eu clywed. Yn fwy na hyn, dw i’n credu bydd fy sgiliau cyfathrebu ac arwain cryf yn rhoi fi mewn sefyllfa dda i gynrychioli barn pobl yn effeithiol. Ond yn fwy na dim, mae’r materion allweddol dw i wedi eu dewis yn cynrychioli fy ngwerthoedd a’m blaenoriaethau.