Morten Brok Gentsch
List | STEM for Innovation og Trivsel |
Workplace | Techcollege |
Education | Kandidatuddannelser (civilingeniør) |
Field | Elektronik, Cand Polyt, Telekommunikation, Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetics |
Mine erfaringer fra arbejdet både her i landet og i udlandet bruger jeg i min indsats i IDA. Jeg har arbejdet for: University of Manitoba, Canada, Dancall, Bosch, Siemens, Siemens Mobile, BenQ, Motorola, Sonofon, Telenor samt Erhvervsskolerne Aars. I dag er jeg Lektor v. Aalborg Tech College.
Tidligere repræsentationer i IDA (alle ulønnede):
- IDA’s Hovedbestyrelse
- og IDA's Repræsentantskab
- Formand for Elektronik & IT, IDA Nord
- IAK’s Repræsentantskab
- IDA Privat (Formand)
- Virksomhedsgruppe Formand v. Siemens, BenQ & Motorola
- Virksomhedsgruppe v. Sonofon, Telenor
- Ansattes Råd i IDA (AIR og AR)
- Kvinderådets Repræsentantskab
IDA er god for milliarder, og jeg kæmper for at IDA investere i et ordentligt IDA Hus / Conference center med bedre plads og faciliteter til Nordjylland, lidt som det IDA ejer i København, hvor Conference centeret faktisk tjener penge til foreningen og medlemmerne.
I mit arbejdsliv har jeg undervist på både universitet, college og i det private erhvervsliv, så vel som forsket og udviklet med fuld masseproduktion som følge. Endvidere har jeg arbejdet med projektledelse. For at sikre trivsel og produktivitet i det private har jeg i mange år brugt min fritid i IDA Privats bestyrelse. Denne erfaring vil jeg så vidt muligt også anvende sammen med min erfaring fra Hovedbestyrelsen og Ansattes Råd til at arbejde på at forbedre undervisningsverdens rammer!
Dette er selvfølgelig vigtigt for underviserne, men også vitalt for samfundet, da det er her vores kommende IDA medlemmer bliver uddannet og vores medlemmer bliver efteruddannet!
Samtidigt vil jeg arbejde på at styrke både det psykiske og fysiske arbejdsmiljø motiverende ledelse både i og udenfor undervisningsrummet!
Lokalt er det vigtigt at sikre gode lokaliteter for IDA i Aalborg. I stedet for at have IDA's penge stående i aktier og obligationer kunne man investere dem i en ordentlig lokation i Aalborg.
I am passionate about making a difference in IDA for the benefit of the members and the future members. I have been a member of IDA's Main Board for the past 3 years and been part of the Board of Representatives for the last 9 years. I use my experience from working both in Denmark and abroad in my efforts at IDA. I have worked for: University of Manitoba, Canada, Dancall, Bosch, Siemens, Siemens Mobile, BenQ, Motorola, Sonofon, Telenor and Erhvervsskolerne Aars. Today I am an Associate Professor at Aalborg Tech College.
For many years, I have been active and engaged in IDA on many levels and would like to put both my time and my energy into ensuring a proper framework for our members.
Previous positioner in IDA (all unpaid):
· IDA's Main Board
· IDA's Board of Representatives
· Chairman of Electronics & IT, IDA Nord IAK's
· Board of Representatives IDA Privat (Chairman)
· Group Chairman v. Siemens, BenQ & Motorola
· Group of companies v. Sonofon, Telenor
· Employee Council in IDA (AIR and AR)
· The Women's Council's Board of Representatives
I will fight for IDA to constantly focus on proper frameworks for us Engineers and MSc candidates throughout our working lives. It provides fertile ground for innovation, which we must live off of and what will lead our society forward!
IDA is good for billions, and I am fighting to make IDA invest a in a proper IDA House / Conference center with better space and facilities for North Jutland, a bit like the one IDA owns in Copenhagen, where the Conference Center actually makes money for the association and the members.
In my working life, I have taught at both university, college and in the private business community, as well as researched and developed with full mass production as a result. Furthermore, I have worked with project management. To ensure well-being and productivity in the private sector, I have spent my spare time on IDA Privat's board for many years. I will as far as possible also use this experience together with my experience from the Executive Board and the Employees' Council to work to improve the framework of the educational world!
This is of course important for the teachers, but also vital for society, as this is where our future IDA members are trained and our members are further trained!
At the same time, I will work to strengthen both the mental and physical working environment, motivating leadership both inside and outside the classroom!
Locally, it is important to ensure good locations for IDA in Aalborg. Instead of having IDA's money invested in stocks and bonds, IDA/we could invest it in a proper location in Aalborg.